My nearly 11 MO son has never slept very well at night, even - TopicsExpress


My nearly 11 MO son has never slept very well at night, even though we bed share. His day time sleeps have always been for 45 mins-1 hour, with a very occasional 2 hour in there. But in the last week or two he has been waking up from his day time sleeps 10 minutes after I leave the room. I breastfeed him to sleep which works and I dont have any issue with this. But the waking up is driving me bananas, because I can get nothing done and he is a crabby little bugger for the rest of the day. I have tried to re-settle him when he wakes but he thinks its party time so after about 15 mins I just get him up. Ive tried to keep him up for longer periods to make him more tired too. But when he starts yawning and rubbing his eyes, I take those cues and whisk him off to bed. I really dont know what to do. I would really appreciate some advice. I have read your book Sleeping Like a Baby and it has helped me with other sleep issues but this one has me stumped! Thanks so much. Pinky says: Is he going through a new developmental leap/stage and perhaps moving around in his sleep and waking? Or teething ? If its teething, try elevating the head of his bed - a couple of folded towels under the mattress . Or just pop him straight onto the boob as soon as he wakes to resettle. Otherwise try some gentle music on a low volume in his room while you settle hime to sleep and leave it on - it will take around a week to condition him to the music as a sleep cue but often helps them stay in a sleepy state. Lets see what other mums suggest.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 00:30:01 +0000

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