My new, and much anticipated (my story) project is officially - TopicsExpress


My new, and much anticipated (my story) project is officially underway. The domain name and matching Facebook page is secured although its not live just yet. What is it you ask? (Most likely, you didnt ask but Im telling you anyway.) ALL things DIY! BOOM - This is exactly the thing Ive been wanting to do forever! After I close down Ebay on December 15th, I probably wont open it up again until late February so... I would go bonkers from boredom without something else to do - something that quite possibly will eliminate Ebay entirely from my income streams because this new model fulfills all my desires: 1. I will write stuff daily. 2. I will create stuff daily. 3. I will earn affiliate commissions from various ads on the site. 4. Some killer projects could become products. (The ultimate goal!) I wanted a HOT topic that is very active. I narrowed it down to survival and DIY. Survival is cool (and hot) and I think its extremely important given the world we live in these days but DIY is really my thing. I will cover ALL DIY topics. Being a guy, Im more interested in more manly cool stuff but I will have every type of project showcased. My personal project will start by giving my 15 x 12 shop on the back of the garage a total DIY makeover. I wont say much about it yet but all the steps to the design and FREE materials will be covered in great detail. It will also be powered by the sun and heated with wood which will make it even better. In the spring, I will take my talents outside to a 20 x 40 natural pool that goes out into my garden. It will have waterfalls, swim up bars, and a sandy beach with an 8ft. deep end. This will be showcased as well. This will be a business so heres where you can capitalize on this project if you do the DIY thing: I will be looking for (and paying for) your killer project. If its something new and it isnt currently blasted all over Facebook, Im interested. If you can take quality pictures of the projects steps, I am VERY interested. I dont care if its a cooking recipe, quilt, homemade soap, whatever. All I care is it matches two criteria: 1. You made it yourself. 2. Its unique and cool! All of the fb competition simply regurgitates other peoples stuff. Some of these sites have MILLIONS of followers and they are getting millions of monthly page views. I intend to blow them up by producing unique content that goes viral in a hurry. So, if you got some killer ideas, look me up. You could make some killer money in the process. One last thing: If you know where I can get pallets, let me know because I need stacks of them! Cheers!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 15:27:59 +0000

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