My new play Lilith Takes a meeting With God is based on three - TopicsExpress


My new play Lilith Takes a meeting With God is based on three stories I wrote about Lilith... First one a novel 33 Souls of Lilith still a work in progress, second Lilith presented as a short story in my second book Eight Twist Shorts and Liliths Tree of Life a short story presented to Symphony Space... which I give freely for your reading pleasure... Lilith’s Tree of Life Lilith, my obsession, controls all that I write. It is my extreme pleasure to place her words upon paper, for her own advantage. Whatever I write is hers and hers alone (may she be cherished). I am her scribe. I praise her whenever I can, I adore her, whenever I think of or mention her name—(Lilith, my passion). All organized religions have versions of the creation of man, and so it is with Lilith’s version (blessed be she).—the most ancient, most hidden, organized religion, it is covertly becoming the prevalent one. All agree on who wrote the first bible, the one with the statement “And God saw the light and it was good.” Man…it was man who put quill to parchment. Man decided what to include and what to keep secret. Therefore, I now share Lilith’s version of man’s creation, which is just as relevant, if not more so (praise be to Lilith). Mankind started the very moment that IT drove a hand into the earth and created the first seed. IT made rain and sun to nourish the seed. A sprout came forth, bursting through the nourished soil that held fast its roots. In time, the sprout became a tree fed by rain and sun. The trunk of the tree grew straight, erupting into branches in all directions. From every branch, twigs sprouted and bore nothing, save one exceptional branch. That one produced fruit, round in shape, red in color . . . the first of its kind. Three blades of grass grew from its base. Two blazoned with colors of the rainbow and one was a solid green. When a breath came from IT, the three blades of grass grew even more. As the green one grew, it coiled around the base of the tree, then, upward. As it headed skyward, the rainbow-colored blades coiled upward as well. Then, all growth paused to rest. Another breath came from IT, turning the green blade into a beautiful serpent, the origin of its kind. The serpent flicked its split tongue, tasting the air for the first time, liking it. Then a sound was uttered by the serpent—the first language ever heard. The rainbow blades of grass stretched to coil around the serpent. All kept growing, thickening, and coiling around each other. Up the tree trunk went these blades of grass, forming toes, feet, ankles, calves, thighs, and finally, forming the ultimate lock-and-key. There were two bodies now: one with soft, sensual curves and flowing red hair, the other with firm muscles and black hair. Their bodies fit together and coiled with the serpent. That magnificent serpent held them in its embrace. As though cocooned in a verdant hammock, the three lay suspended and entwined. The serpent taught them its language and as much about life as it knew at that moment. Over time, with every rising and setting of the sun, the serpent’s knowledge increased. Then IT named the serpent, God. The male was named Adam. The female was called Lilith. IT meant for these creations to be for all eternity. IT gave the three dominion over all that crawled below the Tree of Life and all that flew above. Life was good. Equality was given and shared throughout all the earth, and nothing was needed. All was given. Life was good . . . until IT decided equality was not desirable for Adam. One must always have dominion over the other. Lilith unlike Adam, was playful, adventurous, assertive, insatiably curious, traits not desirable in this tranquil world IT created…Lilith was made subservient. God argued for Lilith and that angered IT, so it was…God and Lilith were thus cast from the tree, forever. God was again called serpent. Its knowledge muted. Its voice taken away. IT gave Lilith dominion over the sinister, under world and eternal existence. Lilith asked that the serpent remain with her. Her wish was granted. There is no need to have Lilith’s rendition include what IT did to the Tree of Life afterward, for that is insignificant. …Her magnificence is near. Feel her warmth, her loving presence…hear Lilith’s seductive voice fill the air, (may she be praised)... “...I was created…banished…but not abolished…I can offer wealth, power, health, longevity, and a delicious life of arousal which is always fulfilled...” Lilith is good. All is good under her guidance. Welcome Lilith into your life and receive all that Lilith has to offer you...
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 21:40:17 +0000

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