My new program Feminine Goddess Enlightened Relationship Monthly - TopicsExpress


My new program Feminine Goddess Enlightened Relationship Monthly Membership starts today at 8 pm EST. Its not too late to sign up. For only $47/month you will learn so much about yourself, your reality, your mind, and how to create a healthy relationship and be happy in your own skin. I will use my spiritually friendly method -not to mention cutting edge science- to address every situation you face in relationship. Over the year my classes have been so addictive to many. Many women re-sign up over and over even for the same programs for the soul nourishment value they find in them. Many have been helped and their lives, not just their relationships, improve by practicing what I teach. And this one wont be any different. Today I will address how we create our own reality. You see, according Quantum Physics, we create the universe we live in. How so? Its because without our brain/nervous system this universe is a sea of nothingness. There is no physical reality to our universe. Our universe is made of 99.999% emptiness/space. There is only energy vibrating on certain frequency. All is created in the mind and our belief and expectations of what reality is help shape it. In other words what we call our reality or what we see are simply projections on the back of your brain. Yup, we are practically watching a movie. We literally live in our head. But the illusion is so consistent and consensual, we are duped to believe this is real, that there are solid objects, there is matter. But as a matter of fact, there is no matter outside our perception. When we dont look at the moon, the moon is merely a wave function. When we see it, the wave function collapses and it becomes the moon as we see it. And when we sleep there is no universe. There is no bed and bedroom. When we are waking up the bed, bedroom and the universe are rendered again. And when we look away, the bedroom disappears into nothingness again. Our reality is pretty much like a computer game. Utterly shocking, isnt it? The good news is when you realize this, you become free. Life is an illusion. Everything you see is an illusion. Even *you* are an illusion. Now you know this you can play whatever role in life you are playing now and make it fun without the emotional entanglement. You are a being of light, not of matter. If everything is an illusion, your suffering is an illusion too! Are you mind-boggled yet? If yes, this is the program for you and I will touch more on the subject on todays class and how this can have a magnificent effect on your love life as well. My client LaToya said this about the classes she listened to in our ongoing program Four Components Of melting His Heart which you can still sign up: Katarina Phang....I finished listening to the second class tonight and it was AWESOME!!! It is your book x 10. Looking forward to next weeks class. So far I have been blown away. Love it! Trust is a real hot button with men. My EUM mentioned how lack of trust and verbal disrespect were a problem in relationships hes had. And whats more exciting is you will also learn from my star clients -those who get my method and practice it perfectly so they are in great, healthy relationships in which their men are completely smitten by them. You see, Im interested in results and if results are what you want you cant do no wrong by working with me as long as you dont resist me. Hope to see you in the call today. Sign up here:
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 20:24:48 +0000

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