My niece Abigail Chases scary story. Tell me what you think - TopicsExpress


My niece Abigail Chases scary story. Tell me what you think ....................... Abbys scary story: Dreaming the Impossible I crush the fragile leaves as I make my way through the fall trees. The warm air soothes me. It was a nice fall day, perfect for swimming. This is the first time I remembered to clean Stripe’s litter box, well I hope I did. I hear a bell ring from the distance. “I’m late for class!” I think while I dash through the sidewalk leading to the school. “Can anyone tell me the capital of Babylon?”. I zone out as my teacher continues to quiz the class. I make sure not to make eye contact with her. “Emily?” “What? Uh, thirty-five!”. The whole class starts laughing at me. “No, Emily thirty-five is not the answer. Please pay more attention to my question. Now, can anyone tell me the capital of Babylon? Derek” “The capital of Babylon is Nineveh”. “Very good, Derek!”. “Teacher, aren’t you glad I am not Emily the dum-dum?”. Today is not looking very good. As I walk to the cafeteria, I sit down at a table, by myself. I don’t have any friends. But, I don’t care. I am more of an independent person. Derek comes and sits by me. He brings Jeremy Listid, his friend. “Look everyone! It’s Dummy the dum-dum!”. “Leave me alone Derek!”. Derek doesn’t leave, instead he reaches into my lunchbox and pulls out my cookies. “Mmmm these are good, did your Mom make them? Oops I forgot, you don’t have a mom!”. Jeremy just sits there, and starts zoning out. He doesn’t like to be mean, but Derek is his role model. Derek is right, I don’t have a mom. She died in a car accident when I was five. I live with my Dad, he has lost everything without her. I just move to a different table with sad memories of my mom in my head. “Hey Dad.” “Sorry Emily, I’m busy in a interview call for work, but I made you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, it’s on the table”. “Ok Dad, I’ll be upstairs if you need me.” My Dad is always busy. He’s trying to find a job where he can get paid a lot. To help him, I babysit my neighbor’s kids for $5 an hour. Stripes comes cruising in like she owns the place. “Hi Stripes.” I say blankly as I let myself fall onto my bed. Stripes meows as she jumps onto my bed and curls up next to me. “Emily!” “What?!” “Get ready for swimming” I love swimming. It always makes me feel better. I get my bathing suit on, say goodbye to Stripes, and head out. I am back at home, room 236B, in my bedroom. The public pool was closed, and I missed swimming. I stare at the picture of my mom that I have on my dresser. She would always come up with inspiring stories to tell and good things to cook. She used to point out constellations in the stars. Her favorite was Aryan. Sometimes, I look up at the sky and at Aryan and the three stars in his belt and bring back the memories of my mom. Today is the Londerville parade. Londerville is the town I live in. It is always busy. They have the best parades, too. I begged and begged my dad to let me go and he said no. I think he will change his mind though. I have an idea for a float starring Stripes. I have to go take Stripe’s picture. “Stripes! here!”. I can’t seem to find Stripes. “Dad! I can’t find Stripes!”. Derek’s point of view I see a cat in the alley near my house. “Here kitty!”. This cat is definitely better than Emily’s stupid cat. I grab the cat and run into my room. My mom loves cats so she let me keep it. This cat is so cute I will never let it go. I give it a bath and care for it in the kitchen. My life is so much better. I will name the cat Derek Jr. Back to Emily I start to cry. Stripes means everything to me and she was originally my Mom’s cat. I hope Stripes is okay. I will just have to forget. I feel a breeze on my face as my dDad opens my bedroom door. “You can go to the parade”. Yes, I can go! I will just have to find an old picture of Stripes. My float idea made it! I watch in confidence as my float passes through the crowd. A big piece of paper blows on my face. I pick it up. It says “Wanted Emma Iceline for serious crimes”. What?! My mom, is she still alive?. What is she hiding?. I read more. “She is still alive, running through the streets of Londerville, hiding her crime”. Is my mom, a criminal? No, this can’t be! Not my mom! She would never do this! But yet I still believe it. I have to accept the fact that my Mom could still be alive and running from us. My Dad only told me that my mom died, he could have lied. “Dad I want to go home NOW” I tell my dad. “Dad, is Mom still alive?!”. “Sweetie I knew this day would come, I have to tell you the truth”. “One day, I met your mom. We loved each other so much. Once we married, we both wanted a baby. We had you and we were so happy. You were always lonely, with no one to play with. So we had another baby. She was a girl, her name was Samantha. The day we brought her home, we went through an alley. A man in a mask and gun came and stole her from us. Your mother vowed to find him and get revenge. She found him and killed him. She went to court and was sentenced to 2 years of jail. She ran away the first day and told me to lie to you. I never saw her again, the guy she killed was named Bryan Fireman”. I wanted to cry. My mom is still out there. If she wouldn’t have killed that guy. Wait, is he related to Derek?. His last name is Fireman, like that guy. I will never know. I decided to go on a walk to the park. I see Derek with, STRIPES!. “Emily is this yours?”. “YES! thank you!”. I snatch Stripes from Derek and bolt away. There is a giant tree next to our house with a hole in the middle. I loved to play in it when I was little. I decided to go explore it again. I climbed and climbed to the top. What I saw inside was unbelievable. “Mom?! is that you?!”. It was a white spirit, that looked exactly like my mom. “Sweetie, please go away”. “But why?”. The spirit exploded and turned red. It exploded out fireballs and it was the last thing I saw. I open my eyes. I see my dad and my mom. I am in my bed, under my covers. “You have been asleep for a long time” my mom says. “What were you dreaming about?” my dad asks. “Well”.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 22:57:39 +0000

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