My night was hijacked by a little sleep terrorist. I want to take - TopicsExpress


My night was hijacked by a little sleep terrorist. I want to take this opportun... My night was hijacked by a little sleep terrorist. I want to take this opportun... My night was hijacked by a little sleep terrorist. I want to take this opportunity to clear up the moms who breastfeed beyond the first 12 months do so for selfish reasons: while there are aspects of breastfeeding beyond the first year that I love, there are MANY aspects that drive me crazy and even cant stand; I do not breastfeed my toddler because Im selfish, lazy, or trying to hold on to their baby stage. No, I breastfeed beyond current societal norms because I believe it is best for my child and the biological standard. Its hard sometimes, downright challenging, but right for us and not about me, its about my child. It would be easier NOT to breastfeed beyond the first 12 months, I continue for her sake, not mine. Weve been transitioning Sugarbaby (18 months) to cosleeping with 3yo Smunchie in their own room right across the hall from our room. They both typically joins us at some point and last night Sugarbaby was in her room for a good while before joining us. Unfortunately, after breastfeeding for a bit, she determined that it was time to wake up and terrorized the other 3 of us in bed trying to sleep. It was a long night. Or short, depending on how you look at it. For more on breastfeeding baby
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 16:19:12 +0000

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