My notes from WACC via John Riley today. WACC- 1/11/15: John - TopicsExpress


My notes from WACC via John Riley today. WACC- 1/11/15: John Riley SIMPLIFY series When January rolls around we add to our already busy schedules when they are already to crowded Feeling: Overwhelmed Overscheduled Exhausted What if life could be different? What if there was a way to anchor your life to the things that are most important? Bill Hybels book Simplify Its not about DOING LESS but BEING MORE of what God has called tou to be. John 10:10 How can you simplify your life? (Whole church study- all generations) Marthas story- Luke 10:38-42 Martha, Mary, Lazarus (siblings and discuples outside his intimate 12) Jesus knew how to stop and recalibrate- he would do this with Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. Mary realizes that Jesus doesnt need a meal, but he wants to connect on an emotional level. Martha goes into hostess mode. She gets mad and breaks up a conversation between Mary and Jesus and accuses him of not caring. She attacks him- tell her to help me. Jesus responds with grace and truth. Jesus simplifies the situation and points out Mary chose the relationship aspect which is the right choice... He insinuates that Martha needs to stop working and pull up a chair. What do you think an unrushed conversation with Jesus might do for you? Signs of running on empty: Resentful Easily irritated Withdrawl Overeat/ drink/ medicate Escape (time on social network to compare our lives because were to tired to live our own lives) Overspend Activity: Draw a bucket. Draw a line representing where you are in life today. Create a custom replenishment plan. 1. Live connected to him- find a chair and sit for 10 minutes/ day 2. Time with family 3. Replenishing work (Ecc 5:18) 4. Recreation 5. Exercise- dont underestimate how connected your body and soul are connected.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 19:30:08 +0000

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