My novels are a tribute to God My Lord Jesucristo, who gives me - TopicsExpress


My novels are a tribute to God My Lord Jesucristo, who gives me the ability to write. All my works are in His Honor and His Glory. I am a person of humble heart that only seeks to help my neighbor. In each of my novels I leave a positive message of love for humanity. However, the message is couched in a lot of imagination which creates interest and sustains it to the end. Sometimes I add songs as per the need of the situations, which make the novels still more interesting. Some of my friends who read my novels have jokingly asked me, “Luz Elena! Are you writing scripts for films?” Until moment I have written: “Autumnal love” “Good morning Dusk” “¿Guiltiers or innocents?” “Sweet and little Zoraida” “Thorns on the green path” “Towards the Light” “The persecuted” “Beyond death” “My dear Lucero” “Stones in the soul” “Black village and its tenebrous nights” “Jumping, Magic Puppy” “Terror… in the womb of Teresa” “All by Love” “Prisoners of tradition, the real story” At this moment I write The afternoon was sad Here are my novels starting from the one to be published shortly, “Prisoners of tradition, the real story”. Pictures are mostly from internet: My latest novel ‘Prisoners of Tradition, the Real Story, which is going to be published shortly is about dowry and other patriarchal traditions prevailing in the Indian society. Women all over the world are treated less than equal and are fighting for equality. But patriarchal traditions are a bit too firmly entrenched in Indian society as they have the sanction of religion. The system of dowry, which requires the bride’s parents to give gifts to the groom and his family that cost the former side a fortune, is unique to the Indian sub-continent. In addition, there is a lot of pomp and show and wastage in marriages and major portion of that has to be borne by the girl’s parents. Consequently, girls are considered a burden. Birth of a girl is sad news. Millions of girls are killed in the womb or soon after birth simply because they are girls. A number of girls are sold because parents don’t have money for their marriage. ‘Prisoners of Tradition the Real Story’ is the story of Sudama’s daughters – Kusum, Juhi and Pallavi. Kusum is married to the son of Sudama’s wealthy friend Ghanshyam who professes to seek no dowry but is greedy within. Juhi sees through Ghanshyam’s evil plans but is too young to be taken seriously. All hell is let loose on Kusum on the wedding night itself. On the top of it she conceives a child which is found to be a girl. Pressure is mounted on her to abort the child but she does not want to do so. Help comes from unexpected quarters and also from her sister who becomes a lawyer. But will Kusum survive the monster of dowry? Will she be able to give birth to her daughter? Or will she be another addition to the number of dowry deaths in India? Read more about prisoners of tradition athttps://facebook/hindu.women.prisoners.of.tradition My first novel was written 20 years ago: Sweet and little Zoraida. I wrote this novel in order to portray the values of the women. Zoraida was a luckless girl overshadowed by the beauty of her sisters. Her not so beautiful body and her sad eyes did not attract anyones attention and she always lived alone in her own world of silence. Zoraida is a humble girl, innocent and pure. She got married to a man very important from another country. Her new family humiliated her and subjected her to all kinds of cruelties. But she always forgave them and never felt hatred in her heart. Over the years Zoraida became the most beautiful and splendid woman. ‘Jumping the magic dog’ is a love story of a different kind, where a puppy is the real hero of the story. The dog plays an important role in uniting the lovers. Ignacio and his friends were talking after they had become fully drunk. He entered into a bet with his friends to live for two years in the absolute misery. If he broke his word he would give all his money to charitable institutions or to the friends. If he won, they would work free for him during a year. He leaves the home and comes back not only victorious but much more prosperous – i. e. with a beautiful girl as his life partner but his travails were so hard, he thought many times of breaking his promise. It is my novel “TOWARD THE LIGHT” that I like the most This novel was written in Glory and Praise to the True Light of the World: JESUS CHRIST. It is not a religious novel, but its protagonists teach us to follow the straight and true path to the wonderful life that awaits us after this. We give the glory to Christ. Our work is always focused on Him. Let us recognize that our abilities were given to us by He who loves us. He owns our mind. We can leave aside the sins of pride, vanity, greed and contempt for the humblest. People with limited economic resources have the same values as us. Its good to share our wealth with the most vulnerable. What joy we feel when we give a piece of bread to a child and see his face shining with excitement because he or she has some food to put in the mouths or give them shelter when they are cold. All these things Jesus Christ taught us when He said: Love others as I have loved you ... Or when He said: My peace I give you, my peace I leave with you ... For You Beloved Jesus Christ I have written this novel. I know You hears me because I feel in my heart. I hope that this novel be read in all world and learn from You the charity with the fellow. When people are humble of heart and help others in their needs with love and without asking anything in return, even the animals respect them. In my novel THORNS IN THE GREEN WAY My hero Juan David, the humble garbage collector served the richest people in Puerto Gabriel uncaring that they mocked of him for his humble profession. In one of the pages we read when Juan David saved the life the of the sons of the richest people of Puerto Gabriel: Juan David decided to make a stop on his way to strengthen his energies with fruits of those leafy trees, then he would fish delicious trout. He ate and drank water with anxiety. He slept very little because two hours later he continued his march away the few wild animals of that place, who respectfully stopped before him without attacking, not even a huge bear walked near tried to attack him. It seemed as if the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi was inside him, because just by looking at the animal calmed. In my novel TERROR IN THE WOMB OF TERESA We learn that bad children are punished by life, the same those persons who believe in fortune tellers. We must focus our beliefs in God and not guess the lucky because it never brings good consequences for our lives. This is very bad for us. The future of people just depends on God and not from a group of charlatans who try to take the money to the unwary. We can read in the novel: Teresa awoke crying loudly in her room. How tenacious nightmare had. When Pablo, Gerardo and Luz Maria came into the bedroom of the young woman, she threw herself into her mothers arms apologizing again and again for being so bad daughter and never believe her words to tell her to look to Jesus Christ and not to the fortune tellers who had filled her head with rare stories because they do not know the future of mankind. Only our Creator is the only One who knows the destiny for which we were created. Gerardo and Pablo extremely worried listening Teresa, they vowed never again to guess lucky. They would not force the girl to be Systems Engineer as they wanted . She would study medicine as it was the desire of Teresa, she was only 17 years old. Luz Maria thanked God because He knocked on the doors of the heart of her daughter to change the way of being with her. She was sure that Teresa would henceforth an excellent daughter.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 18:48:49 +0000

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