My number is 5...thank you Tara L Berescik... here goes nothing! - TopicsExpress


My number is 5...thank you Tara L Berescik... here goes nothing! Like my status and Ill give you a number!!! 1. I was adopted when I was 3 mos old and my name was almost Lara after the main character in Dr Zhivago because my Dad thought that actress was so pretty- despite this I have never seen that movie and still need to I guess! 2. While I was growing up I had an assortment of animals- monkeys,owls, fawns, ponies (Of course!!), goats, and dogs & cats. most of them were the animals that were either mistreated, malnourished or abandoned at my fathers Veterinary Clinic. I also used to have the patience of a Saint and was the one who could hold an animal still for hours while it was being treated- I seem to have lost some of that patience since Ive had children- still have it for animals though. 3. Have had two children through natural childbirth and had 8 stitches in my face with no lidocaine without a whimper- but a paper cut will kill me and make me scream bloody murder. 4. I am deathly afraid of snakes to the point where I made myself touch one at a petting zoo on my 28th birthday since I thought it was stupid that I was so afraid of them but had never actually touched one- I almost passed out. Patch has inherited this from me to my dismay so on his 2nd grade trip to Frost Valley- we both touched a smaller one together- didnt pass out but wasnt all that excited either. REALLY wasnt excited when our tenant called over the summer to say she caught a snake in a mouse trap and I was the only one there to go and get it- but I did it- with gloves, a bucket and a broom! 5. I believe that things happen for a reason. I had to go out with the biggest bozo for 7 years and be treated horribly so that I would really appreciate when someone truly amazing would come along- also had to waste some time since Ric graduated 5 years after I did. I also dont dwell on the past- it was a learning experience and it made me stronger. I have a wonderful life and everything Ive ever wanted- a great husband, my own house, I live on a farm, have two amazing kids, horses, rabbits, cows, cats, and a husky puppy- and Im healthy- what more could I ask for
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 03:08:17 +0000

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