My observations. I do not want anyone to impose my vision, I just - TopicsExpress


My observations. I do not want anyone to impose my vision, I just want to share my thoughts. I am majoring programmer. On duty, always have to put in different parts of the puzzle. I watch what is happening in the world and the simple person it is difficult to realize it. The simple person sees that the world is restless, but can not understand what is happening? Always every action you need to look for reasons. Reasons must be logical. Do not believe that the reasons for the businessmen and pragmatic people can only be due to their ambitions. Its a lie. USA now cleans some portion of Africa. Some of the Ebola kills, some part of the population, the United States will take control. This was done after the increased likelihood of eruption supervolcano in Yellostone park. This volcano could destroy half of America, and the Americans will be a place to live. Therefore, Americans need a new place. And they chose Africa. Ill tell you, in chronological order, what happened, and youll understand what Im telling you the truth. 1 US scientists measured the temperature of geysers and water Yellostone volcano and found that the temperature has risen to 20 degrees Celsius. Earth over the past six months rose by half a meter. Animals began to leave the park. Also there are constant earthquakes around the Caldera volcano in the center at a depth of. All these facts confirm that the super volcano ready to erupt. And little time left. 2 was the news that the United States government banned to publish articles about the super volcano. Also banned discuss super volcano on the internet, so as not to cause panic among the population. 3 Turn off the seismic sensors, and some video cameras in Yellostone park. Began to replace the pictures and videos ... you can tell by the absence of some days of observation, and constant video recording, which does not change for a long time. 4 was the news that the United States government has offered to African countries pay 10-million dollars each year in the event of a volcanic eruption, they being hosted the Americans on their territory. 5 Many African countries did not want to become a territory of the United States. 6 Cases of Ebola infection in African countries began to increase. Number of dead people from Ebola began to grow in geometric progression. 7 In the United States held a summit with African countries. No one knows what actually was discussed at this summit. 8 Scientists United States wrote a report that the volcano to explode in the United States in a very short time. 9 Ebola in Africa is out of control. 10 United States introduced its troops to the regions affected by Ebola. Ebola - an artificial virus. Commercial pharmaceutical company did not develop a vaccine, because it was not profitable. Ebola never been spread too quickly, because infected people die too fast, failing to pass the virus to another person. But in spite of this the Ministry of Defense involved in the development of vaccines against different strains of Ebola .... US military. And now the spread of Ebola has increased dramatically. Why? The doctor, the United States, who treated patients in Africa, said that in compliance with all safety rules, but contracted Ebola. This means that he could drink the local contaminated water, or eat something. Because, again, Ebola had never so much is not extended. Patients were unable to infect other people, because it quickly died. About infect doctor - I do not doubt that the American vaccine cure him. :-)
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 07:18:46 +0000

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