My old man would have been 78 today had he not slipped off the old - TopicsExpress


My old man would have been 78 today had he not slipped off the old mortal coil 7 years ago. He was a diamond if ever there was one. He had a temper that could be incandescent at times, he was old school when it came to discipline, but he was never shy in showing you love and affection. Until he passed away I would kiss and hug him and tell him I loved him and he would always do the same in return. He hated talking too long on the phone - the classic telephone conversation when calling home would go exactly like this - Hello..., Hi Dad Hi Son How are you? Alright Son...Do you want your Mother? A man of few words on the telephone - you could never shut him up at social occasions though! Lol. He had an amazing sense of humour, quite dark and very little was off limits. He could certainly not be described as PC by any stretch of the imagination, but he imbued us all with a superb set of standards, moral code and attitude to life. His family where everything to him. He would work two of three jobs to make sure we had everything we could need or want for, he was the ultimate hard worker, to his detriment in the end. He smoked too much, he hardly ever drank though to be fair, apart from Christmas and parties, so I didnt get that from him! He cooked a mean stew and a killer breakfast, so I got those attributes from him! He had a great voice as well...He would sing his heart out on a Sunday morning when we lived in North Wales. Usually along to the Benny Green show on Radio 2 ..I got into Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis because of me old man singing along to the greats whilst making breakfast on a Sunday. He was always a nature boy at heart and his childhood in Worksop and running around Sherwood forest with his brothers and pals was deeply rooted in his heart and memories until he passed away. He was never happier than when we were kids. He would take us out for long walks in woods and fields, or in Hawarden park where we lived near for many years. He would take us wild mushroom picking, foraging for chestnuts or hazelnuts, he would point out wild garlic and herbs and his favourite as I recall - blackberries. He never lost the countryside in his heart. I once stupidly got caught scrumping apples and also trying me hand at poaching in Hawarden. The farmer caught us and dragged us past our houses when me Dad spotted me through our front room window being dragged along by an irate red faced farmer. He called the farmer over to our front door. He stood on the doorstep and proceeded to admonish me in front of said farmer and ensured the old boy I would be disciplined and dealt with. He closed the door on the suitably satisfied farmer and proceeded to kick me up the backside and cuff me around the head and said Thats not for doing it.. Its for getting caught!...Get to bed!. Years later when he had moved to Bamford near Bury and his business was in its heyday and I had left home, he would always come and pick me up from Rochdale station when I was on a visit. He would then always drive me in to Manchester with whoever was along for the ride and big night out, usually to the Hacienda, or to Djangos. I would regularly bring a horde of mates back to their house after the club had closed and wake the poor bugger up to let us in! He never, ever complained. He would grumble a bit and call me a daft bas**d generally followed by What time do you call this? usually it was around 3 am. Im up at 6! ... Get in there and dont go near me drinks cabinet!... Theres bacon and sausage in the fridge so make sure everyone gets a breakfast in the morning. We would always dive in the drinks cabinet. Clifford Edward Locke was a gentleman, generous to fault, one of the funniest men I have ever known, a real Dad, a pal and as flawed at times a human being as the rest of us, but I loved him deeply and unconditionally and always will. I am privileged and proud he was my Father. I miss him dreadfully still, as I know my Sister Deborah Chidlow, and my brothers Adam C Locke and Simon Locke do also. Happy Birthday Cliffie - you old bugger x
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 10:21:40 +0000

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