My oldest daughter Hope, dont worry about not coming to see Dad. - TopicsExpress


My oldest daughter Hope, dont worry about not coming to see Dad. Youre staying away lines up with the Dr. Fischers advised today. Any close contacts that are sick should be avoided and recommended that regular visitors get the Flu shot since my immune system will be a bit drained during my treatments. So worry not, I know I am in your thoughts and prayers daily as with all my other children. A call means more than you know. Thank you my little Mother Hen that checks and advises me daily on what I need to be doing. To hear you from my end you sound like you have a degree in medicine. Chapter 7 Matthew this morning. All about the healing miracles of Jesus. Wonder now why God had me read Matthew, Nope. The chapter in summary was two main parts. Jesus’ has the ability to heal whether present with those that have issues or not. Next it was about the faith of those that believed in Jesus and how quick he was to recognize their faith. Jesus healed servants, people that had afflictions for many years, only when one of faith simple asked with an earnest heart and a faith that was real. Many of us have the same faith. Even though we are many years from the date that this doctrine was written, we are talking about the same Jesus that is with us today. I pray today that Jesus intervenes on behalf of Pat Gelisse for God you know her needs. All that weve talked about over the past week as you know is coming down today. We thank you in advance for your blessings. I had a great night’s sleep; in fact I am sleeping a normal schedule even though I am taking cat naps during the day. My great friend, Sam Newman called several days ago and asked if Id like to attend the Grovetown Masonic Lodge #730, with him last night which I freely accepted the invitation. This is a small lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. Despite what some may think we are not a religion, a cult, yet a brotherhood of men that have obligations to care for Widows, Orphans, and any Brother that is in distress within our reach. It was truly a blessing to have attended. Prior to the closing of the Lodge, I address the Lodge Master and requested a minute of their time. God lead me to speak a few words and ask the Lodge Chaplin and Brothers to pray for me. I cant tell you how blessed that prayer was to me. Gods healing hands were upon me and I left that Lodge a better more whole person. I thank the Lodge and all that they are doing in the State of Georgia. Today is my treatment #4 and I am looking forward to getting another one past me. I will be going to work as soon as I get this posted and get a quick breakfast. Please pray that the power of the radiation is coupled with the Strength and power of Gods intervention and that Jesus’ healing power as were spoken in Matthew, Chapter 7 be a big part of my treatment today. I love each one of you and please know that I cherish and need you prayers daily. Continue to pray for my dear wife, Ann. She understands that God is in control and that only he knows how this will unfold in our lives. I continue to tell her that because I was slack in my duties to him for the last 10 years that he will at least give me an opportunity to make up for those years as a witness for him. Much to do and I promise that is my ultimate goal in life with everything else secondary. God bless each one of you. I love God, my wife, my blessed children, my family and all of you. Take care today, remembering Pat Gelisse all day long.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 08:46:55 +0000

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