My oncologist sat down with me this last Thursday and we talked - TopicsExpress


My oncologist sat down with me this last Thursday and we talked about how things are going and what to expcect in the future. As we all do, I had my preconceived notions of what I would hear. I was disapointed to say the least. I had hoped to hear that my tumor marker (CA 125) was coming down, to indicate remission. However, it is stuck in the 50s, which is CLOSE to remission, but not there. My doctor does not feel (nor was I looking forward to) more chemo is the answer. She said for one thing that the side effects were getting to be a bit much for me. Plus it would make me toxic as long as I was on it. Also I had receieved the real maximum at 8 cycles of chemo. Then she used words I had hoped not to face at this point in my life. I was aware that I still had cancer in my abdomen, as my surgeon had told me that after surgery in December. He had hoped that what was not visible would be destroyed with the chemo. It appears that did not occur totally. So the oncologist says that now it is a wait and see situation. If the cancer does not grow in the next 6 months to a year, I should respond well to further chemo. However, if I require more chemo before a year passes, I am not as likely to respond to it. She also used phrases such as survival rates. I felt fear for the first time in all this. Please do think I am seeking pity. I surely have a lot of life left in me. But I also have new emotions surfacing and I pledged honesty when I began blogging all this. This is where it all stands, and only God knows where it goes from here.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 00:04:28 +0000

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