My only fear now is, who is counting the votes and how is that - TopicsExpress


My only fear now is, who is counting the votes and how is that being policed? If the union reeks of anything its corruption. I share the concern of many people about the fact that there were pencils in use for marking the ballot papers. I wont put anything past Westminsters devious ways given that the dirty bastards hid the discovery of oil in Scotlands waters by entry into the official secrets act AND the deliberate installation of Faslane over huge oil reserves on the West coast AND the deliberate destruction of British Industry (and yes I mean all of Britain there) knowing all along that they would fund unemployment benefits with oil tax revenues to name but only a few things, at all stage of which certain Westminster politicians benefited massively financially. I know corruption when I see it. Regardless of the outcome here, I demand the immediate and total disclosure of every Westminster politicians financial dealing for the last 40 years. Im sorry, if you want to do that job you MUST be accountable and full disclosure MUST be put in place because otherwise you are going to continue to defraud, steal and lie.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 21:30:42 +0000

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