My opinion is that the Jews should leave Israel since its just a - TopicsExpress


My opinion is that the Jews should leave Israel since its just a bunch of dirt thats causing thousands of innocent people to die. If they are Gods chosen people then lets see their fruits. Lets see them leave Israel in the name of peace. In the name of women and children getting killed everywhere. I mean just think of the testimony they would be showing the world. By their fruits ye shall know them. I just cant see why so many have to die and so many have to give up freedoms just so a conquered people can live in the desert. I have always supported Israel because I read the bible that said Israel will one day become a nation again and so on. So I figured it was Gods will and I must honor that. Boy was I wrong. All thats scripture was spiritualized and we are the new Israel. Now if I condone and cheer on a nation to kill other killers in the name of self defence then I became a partaker in their sin. Now Muslims hate Christians because Christians supported Jews in taking Israel . you know there is a interesting theory that the Jews created the Koran to rally the Arabs against the catholic Christians to retake Jerusalem. Romans hated the Jews and eventually Rome because the Catholic church. The Jews hated them because they held Jerusalem. The Koran so closely mimics the old testament that its creepy really. The dark ages are a undocumented time. I really wonder if the Jews did in fact create the Koran and the Arabs rebelled against them. Maybe things got misinterpreted as they so often do. Maybe the arabs clued in on what the Jews were up to. They were a homeless people and were willing to do anything to reestablish themselves. Now one thing I know about ww1 is that prior to the war many catholics were converting to Judaism so they can financially prosper by using and giving usury. Usury is borrowing money or lending money with interest. Now the Catholics were against this because the bible clearly states not to partake in usury. So those who left the Catholic faith also stopped putting in their tithe to the Catholic church. Tithe is 10% put in the offering. I mean can you believe the history books say the war started over some duke getting killed. No no no. My daddy always told me if you want to know the truth then start by following the money. Another interesting fact is that during ww2 the Jewish spys would give away German Nazi positions that were warehouses filled with Jews making clothing or food rations for the German war machine. I mean why would Jews want to kill Jews? I had to ask this question to myself more then once. Its true that many of the Jews who were killed in ww2 were 2nd and 3rd generation new converts. Their fathers and great grandfathers were catholic Germans. Interesting hey. So as soon as the war ends suddenly their is a mass migration of Jews from around the world going to the newly formed Israel. Given to them by the British. I dont know about you all but at the risk of getting called anti Semitic I would want to know what went on and I would like to have some blanks filled it. Why you may ask? Well we have a world falling apart and freedoms being taken away almost daily because Arabs are pissed at America Canada and Britain for giving Israel to the Jews. So America has been poking a stick into the Arabs for years with foreign policy. The Arabs had enough and like any dog bit back. Now Christians in the middle east are getting killed by the hundreds of thousands. Hindus, Buddhas, and Muslims are all killing Christians. My question is how did this start? Why cant I examine those involved without getting called a hate monger? I have always admired the Jews as wise and innovative people. I seen Muslims as barbarians. Now Im not so sure. If I was a detective and I treated the events of the last 100 years as a murder I would honestly have to say who has the motive. Any good detective would say then who profited from the crime? The one who profited is more often the one with the motive right? So we have 2 world wars, a major land grab, 60 years of civil unrest in the middle east, terrorist attacks everywhere and now global fear. Who killed the last 100 years and who had motive to do so? Is this a question no one is allowed to ask? Well Im asking it.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 08:18:38 +0000

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