My opponents are undertakers –Obiano Chief Willie - TopicsExpress


My opponents are undertakers –Obiano Chief Willie Obiano Banker, Chief Willie Obiano, is the governorship candidate of the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) in Anambra State. He was in Lagos during the week and spoke with select journalists including POLITICS EDITOR, Daniel Kanu, on why he wants Governor Peter Obi’s job, his unique strategy and optimism at the November 16 poll. Some people believe that you got the APGA governorship ticket because you are Governor Peter Obi’s political godson. Is this true? Let me make it clear that I am older than the governor, so I cannot be his godson. But on a serious note, I have heard such comments and my response to them, is to let them know who I am, that I am a tested technocrat with proven track record in established places, both nationally and internationally. Without sounding immodest, I am a big masquerade and, therefore, cannot be anybody’s godson. I am a man of myself, I know what to do, very competent and tested personality. What you are saying will be relevant if I am nobody, with no intellect, no pedigree but here I am very well established; so such view does not hold any water. Somebody that rose to the highest level in banking cannot be said to be nobody. As we say in Igbo language, I am an “Ijele” (a big masquerade). Again, we can even answer you differently. Peter Obi is a character deserving applause for representing what I call positive attributes of being. It is not in his character to nurse godsons. You know what godfathers and sons do –going to the shrine and signing of agreements, among others. Peter Obi that we know is alien to such nonsense. The truth is that I am the candidate to beat. So what exactly motivated you to want to succeed Governor Peter Obi? The motivation was not to succeed Governor Peter Obi per se, but to contribute to the development of my people. I think it was the Philosopher Plato that said that when the wise people refuse to partake in the governance of the people, the unwise occupy the space. When they do, they end up inflicting pain in the society and themselves. Mr. Peter Obi has taught all of us that good people are needed to take charge and rescue the society from wolves masquerading as leaders. Governor Obi has done this successfully. As the Anglican Bishop of Amichi, a man without cant, said at a recent gathering, that anybody who says that Obi has not worked is a blatant liar. What we need is another cool-headed person, who understands the nuisances of governance to take over from him. This essentially motivated me to seek to become governor. Cast your eyes on the pedigree of some of us prancing all over the place to govern the state and you will discover that some of them are mere undertakers that will just cheerfully lead the state to her grave. I am sure nobody wishes such a tragedy for the state and this is why I said no, we cannot all stay aloof and allow those that do not even have the capacity to manage themselves to take charge of our destiny. What are your strategies towards winning the election? Well, you know as much as I do, those strategies, whether at war or in peace times are unveiled at the right time. Students of strategy will readily talk about elements of surprise. It is not what one will unveil on the pages of the newspapers because it is part of one’s unique selling point. Strategy is part of your blueprint which making it public at this time is not politically good but as we proceed in the campaign you will see and feel it. You do not give your opponent an advantage to steal or copy what will stand you out as a candidate. Remember the debates and all that are still coming. Let me also say that Igbo are excited because they are emotional about our party, APGA. If you ask me, I will tell you that Anambra people are already mobilised by the achievements of Governor Obi. The evidence of what Governor Obi did to fix the state is everywhere, so Anambrarians are just waiting for the D-Day to cast their votes for APGA, a party their great leader Eze Igbo Gburugburu, the late Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, built and identified with until his death. A party that has men of sterling qualities like our Chairman, Chief Victor Umeh, who is committed to the party. With what Obi has done in Anambra State our people are now at home with what it means to have people with pedigree at the helms of affairs. Before Obi, Anambra was lying fallow; today, it has become the talk of the town. From pariah state, it has moved to a beloved state. This is why we preach continuity. Therefore, part of our strategy now is to tell our people the truth about the need to get another good man who is untainted by his past to take over from the governor. Who is that man untainted by the past? Well, at the risk of sounding immodest, if you investigate the past of all those contesting today, you will discover that my deputy and I remain the best in terms of academic pedigree, experience, understanding of what service to the people means. In terms of character, humility, patience, closeness to the people and other virtues that make for great leadership, I think we are unrivalled. The present governor is humility personified. He resists all the trappings of office and does not even use sirens. Who among those contesting understand the place of those virtues in governance? These are relevant questions that should agitate the minds of our people. So, as I have said elsewhere, we are going to fight in this election on the basis of first, the performance of APGA government in Anambra State, which is one of the best in the country. We are also going to fight on the basis of experience, expertise and acceptability by the people. We are well prepared academically, professionally and, above all, our contact to make the state a destination centre is as natural as nature. We are poised and determined to grow Anambra State from where it is now to a state that will become not only a tourist centre but one that Anambrarians will be proud of as their state. Let’s know your unique selling point? We do not need that. Governor Obi is a consummate marketer; he has sold everything. It is those that bought his wares, Anambrarians, who will join hands to tell the people that it is this man’s party or nothing else. There will be continuity in the project that His Excellency has done but, above all, we are competent, strong and tested technocrats, who know how to manage the process and improve upon what governor Obi has laid as a formidable foundation. The Press is an important arm of what we are doing and I believe they will be forthright and unbiased in telling the public who we are, our antecedents and capability. Your opponents say you are a green horn and have not been known to hold any political office in the past? Holding any political office in the past is not a qualification for running a business or a state. When Governor Peter Obi came on board he was actually, by some people’s calculation, an unknown entity but you can see that he delivered more than those people saw as big names. There are many unknown people that have come into a race such as this and surpassed all others. What is important is the background of the person coming, the professional competence, ability to drive the process, the person’s proven track record, the academic qualification, your ability to know how to access funds to continue with projects and the ability to manage relationships. I say this because before Obi became governor, no development partners were in good terms with Anambra State. It was almost war between the state and the Federal Government. In all this, development was undermined. Today, the story is different and we cannot allow those responsible for this state in the past to take over again and lead you and I to Armageddon. Being a green horn is not a negative thing; what matters is the substance you carry. What exactly are the fresh ideas you will bring into governance? Before I made up my mind to go into this, I prayed and reflected about that. I held long meetings with my spiritual director and solemnly made a commitment to my God that I am coming out to serve my people. You can call this a period of retreat for me. Part of what I did at that time was to look critically at Anambra State. I know the revenue base of the state. I know its present potential and future possibilities. Armed with this, I produced a blue print, which will be unveiled when we will flag off our campaign. The theme of the blueprint is continuity. I hope you are familiar with Anambra Development Strategy, which involves uniform development across all sectors? That principle is still valid and germane. If we are working in education, for instance, we will also be doing something in health, security, infrastructure and tourism simultaneously with development in all local government areas of the state. The core of what we are going to do is agriculture, trade and commerce and industrialisation, the enablers of which have been started by this administration, and we are going to enhance them. Considering your opponents in election and their financial muscles and contacts, do you think you stand a chance? I know that Anambra people see properly, they know who we are, what we can do, they know where I attended schools, primary, secondary and others, and they know my parents and my pedigree. For me, I believe I don’t have any competitor. Governor Obi is accused of flirting with the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the Presidency; will you do the same? For your information, the strategy that Governor Obi has adopted is a winning strategy. Most of the developments he has attracted to the state have been because of this approach. I will even be closer to the President because we need all efforts and contacts to be able to achieve what we intend to do for Ndi Anambra. You can’t afford to be aloof when you are hungry for the development of the state. VOTE CHIEF WILLIE OBIANO FOR ANAMBRA STATE GOVERNOR
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 05:39:45 +0000

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