My parents are both children of the Great Depression. As result, - TopicsExpress


My parents are both children of the Great Depression. As result, when I was a kid I was always fascinated by my Pops ability to fix almost anything broken using parts and pieces of other things. Sadly today, we see more and more of the disposable or throw-away society syndrome. If something breaks, most folks feel its easier to just replace it than try to fix it. Today I channeled my old man and fixed the hinge on the inside of our kitchen garbage pail lid by taking apart a wooden clothes pin and hot gluing the pieces to the sides of the broken hinge. Of course I laughed at myself for doing this and my kids will say I totally Poppop Cleary-ed that trash can but it did make me think about my pop and be thankful that he instilled in me a sense of gratitude and appreciation for all the things I have in my life. And most importantly never to take this for granted.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 16:58:00 +0000

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