My people, these are your standards you once represented. The - TopicsExpress


My people, these are your standards you once represented. The crown of divine royalty, the emblem of divine sovereignty, and the eternal golden light of life. This is who you are underneath the burning sands of space and time. A new age is upon us now. The age of preparation is gone and now the age of enlightenment is here. Yet many of us cling on to the dieing ways of the past, afraid to take that great step forward into your eminent destiny. Like slaves afraid to leave ol massahs plantation, some of us vehemently resist change. And without change my people can their be any growth?? Like a seed planted in fertile soil, in due season it will break forth into light that will give it the nourishment to become a tall oak tree. That is destiny. Even a tree knows its destiny. A slave only will come to a fatal end because on ol massahs plantation there is no light for one to grow. The seed becomes a weed that lost its potential because it was never watered, with water being the vital principle of life. A slave never touches their masters crown. Slaves heads are bowed low never to be treated with civility, equity, or benevolence. A slave receives no divine rewards. Such is their way. At one time we all were slaves to our low vibrational nature, (mind). But like a seed yearning to break free from triple darkness, (ignorance), we sought water and dranked from the wells of knowledge and broke free into the light and received nourishment. This is what freedom is. The divine will to grow until you reach your destiny. My people are we collectively to remain slaves to this slowed down vibration or will we raise our vibrations to truth and love and be free in our entire being??? This is the great question that must be answered. Its called the tale of two cities. Which one shall claim the victory. Its not about oppression as much as it is obession. To many of us have fallen in love with a sociopath and murderous psychotic. In your passivity you think that they will love you if you totally surrender to their religion, belief systems, and cultural attitudes. You think by being a good ol nigga that they wont harm you or your loved ones right??!! You do. That is your excuse to hide your cowardly fear. They told you that they crucified Jesus yet there exist no secular historical evidence that this event occurred. It simply cannot be sufficiently validated through historical records that a man who you call God existed because there was no etymological language that susubstantially validate it. Some of you blatantly refuse to do the research to confirm your belief systems with accurate knowledge. Yet you will say that the Bible is the immutable word of God your father. You do not innerstand that this khazarian AshkeNAZI so called Jew hellenized the Metu Neter when the 72 greek speeking jews plagiarized the sacred knowledge into the septuagint later to be further mutilated into Latin, German and so on until it became English, (WITCHCRAFT). Dont debate something that you have no knowledge of. That is not even the tip of the iceberg. My people come out of triple darkness into divine light. The womb you are in is the womb of a blood thirsty vampire. They are flesh eating cannibals. You cannot disown what you dont know about. Do your own research. Stand up and question the dogmas and doctrine that was given to you from birth. Do not become like them. I have spoken. Hotep. (777)
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 06:51:09 +0000

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