My personal note to this incredibly beautiful but hurting world - TopicsExpress


My personal note to this incredibly beautiful but hurting world I’ve always explored: After nearly 25 years of working overseas in so many of your quadrants…Central America, South America, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East and Africa…and after 37 years of exploring your corners and edges, your mountains and valleys, rivers and lakes, oceans and deserts, forests and jungles, art and music, cultures and people, foods and wines, joys and sorrows, it’s time for me to go “home” for a couple of years to recharge, to reflect and to process the 10 full lives I’ve already lived. I’ve traveled to all 7 of your continents and have seen and visited almost 130 of your diverse and vast and amazingly beautiful countries. From Antarctica to Zanzibar and Afghanistan to Zambia, I’ve seen a thousand worlds of your beauty that never ceased to flood my heart and eyes and ears and palate with utter joy and awe. I’ve also seen a thousand worlds of your horror, that which is created by fear, avarice and a sector of your humanity that has often lost its way. That same horror continually haunts my memories and troubles the compartments of my soul. So it’s time for me to go home for awhile now, to process and write, teach and reflect, lecture and share experiences…to heal in different ways the wounds of your suffering and my own, to reflect on your beauty that has touched my life in momentous and consequential ways, and to fuse the joyous and grievous compartments of my thoughts and heart in meaningful, purposeful and healing ways. I have several books to write about my adventures exploring and embracing your beauty and your pain. I have many lectures to give about impressions and nuances and your incredible beauty I’ve seen and experienced throughout. And I have new lives to lead now, new adventures to take and a most challenging but exciting journey about to unfold. As the great words of the 13th century mystic and poet Rumi says below, I’ll meet you there! Peace. “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing There is a field. I will meet you there. When the soul lies down in the grass, The world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language, even the phrase each other doesn’t make any sense.” -Rumi
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 07:33:00 +0000

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