My plans for today: I woke up this morning sobbing. I guess I - TopicsExpress


My plans for today: I woke up this morning sobbing. I guess I must have been dreaming. It was a weird feeling because I couldnt remember the dream. I only knew it felt as if my chest was breaking apart. When I woke up, I got somewhat under control, but the tears just kept coming. Oh, well. Ill have these times. Today John is flying out to get my dad to bring him home for Christmas. Papa has never met Sid Jr.s sons, his great-grandsons, Liam, 10, and Jonas, 7. He is so excited to see them, and I think it will be very good for them. They have never met anyone like Papa. In fact, most of you have probably never met anyone like Papa. He grew up very poor in southeast Texas, and he has a drawl so thick you sometimes have to ask him to repeat himself. He is famous for saying, Uh-oh! when he accidentally does something catastrophic or messy. My Kiwi grands will love him, Im sure, and they will never forget him. Because John is away, I will be going to get Joshua from visitation at his moms in Lakeview. Translate that to many hours of driving. When we get back to our area, I will have to drive him all the way north to Tumalo because he has school in the morning. Julia and Kyle will be with us, so we will turn it into a fun time. Maybe well do dinner out in Bend tonight! Kyle will be in hero heaven. He loves being with Joshua. We will also have Joshuas dog Brook in the car. She is an 8-month-old Aussie. In Tumalo, Julia will pick up her car, Lolly, which we left at Johns last night. My niece Emily will meet us there to get Kyle, who also must go to school in the morning. Then Julia and I will drive in separate cars back to Cinnamon Ridge, at which time I will be doing the pet tango to get everyone in, fed, covered, and out for a run. I have Saffron, a canary, six cats, two dogs. A mini farm! It will be a long and busy day. I will have no spare seconds to cry; that is certain. In fact I will probably spend most of the day laughing. Still wonder what on earth I dreamed about. But Im guessing it was about a certain someone I love and miss very much. Ill be back tonight to tell you about my day!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 18:52:48 +0000

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