My political rant for the week.... I cannot stand the two party - TopicsExpress


My political rant for the week.... I cannot stand the two party system, but unfortunately we have to play with the cards being dealt....It has been said that the Senate is predicted to go to the GOP. I cannot believe the polls simply because I dont want to think that Americans want what the GOP has to offer. Here is the top 25 items of what the GOP has to offer the citizens of the United States of America....go ahead, tell me Im wrong...Im listening. 1) Unemployment goes to double digits again. 2) The stock market crashes again. (It will when the GOP house and senate DONT raise the debt ceiling and the US doesnt pay its bills for the first time in history) 3) Income inequality grows even higher 4) social security becomes privatized and part of the stock market 5) we have another housing bubble 6) pre- existing conditions are no longer covered and the caps from the past are reinstated. 7) student loan rates soar again because we bring back middle men. (the GOP just loves middle men) 8) infrastructure from the 1940s and 1950s continues to CRUMBLE 9) climate change goes unaddressed and other nations expand their water ways and borders and we dont, because the GOP doesnt believe in Climate Change. 10) we get rid of the EPA. No need for clean anything. 11) more wars, as soon as possible. And since our volunteers are a little exhausted maybe we could reinstate the draft. 12) lower taxes for the rich, but higher subsides and higher taxes for the middle class and the poor but no subsidies. 13) NO domestic abuse laws. Forget it. Violence against women... Consider it ... sport. 14) the mist conservative Supreme Court ever. No equal rights for ALL people only certain people and Corporations. And of course More money for campaigns. 15) No more wind and solar. In fact, lets dismantle what we do have. 16) more voter rules. The harder it is to vote the better. No polling places in minority districts. None. And more in the really really affluent right wing suburbs. 17) NO more birth control. None. 18) no more science. None. 19) no more freedom of religion, only evangelicals. 20) all history books must be written by right wing lobbyists. 21) deregulation of ANY and ALL gun laws. If you want to shoot someone , you should be allowed. 22) deregulation of the big banks. Let them charge whatever they want and do whatever they want. If a mortgage is 18% interest rate, to bad. 23) build the highest thickest wall on the southern border. No one from down there gets in! Put militias all over the wall. We only want the right kind of immigrant. For example. Canadians are fine. The GOP loves Ted Cruz. 24) the deficit will rise again. It AWAYS does when the GOP is in charge. (It has been reduced by 2/3s to date). 25) The ability to purchase an election will become so easy that you can buy your own politician using APPLE PAY!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 15:18:57 +0000

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