My post on Presente.Org: Unfortunately, the issue of CIR has - TopicsExpress


My post on Presente.Org: Unfortunately, the issue of CIR has not been a major one, there have been other issues that politicians, Democrats and Republicans, have been immersed in concern. Since 911, Republicans have had no proactive agenda other national security, while Democrats have adopted a variety of proactive issues, like jobs, infrastructure, equal pay, marriage equality, and, of course, health care. Nationally and in too many states, Republicans have held the majority. Nationally, the Republican-led House of Representatives have stonewalled CIR and many other types of bills that would benefit most all Americans. Republicans, on the other hand, have led the tangent away from protecting common interests to pass bills that have taken away health care, voting rights, benefits (like Food Stamps and Unemployment Insurance), revenue, and other things, all to protect the religious sect and reduce taxes on the Wealthy. Here, in Arizona, Republicans passed SB1070 which, for all intent and purposes, outlawed anyone with brown skin. Also in Arizona, and other states, the Religious Right has successfully lobbied to pass bills designed to discriminate yet have been disguised to “protect religious freedom”. (And let us not forget the Tome Horne, Republican led, SB2281, Ban on Mexican American Studies, as an extremely overt attempt to erase Mexican History from the minds of American schoolkids, as a way to deny the culture of the largest group of Immigrants to have come to this country.) The examples of what the Republicans have done are too numerous to mention, depending upon what state you live in, but there are many examples of Republican shenanigans wherever you live. (Please do not forget the Pledge of Obstruction made by powerful Republicans who convened on the night of Obama’s first inaugural.) Due to the rise of the Tea Party, coupled with the biggest difference Republican strategists could come up with to foster resentment against the election of the nation’s first Black president, all bankrolled by the opening of the floodgates of money called “Citizens United”, politics has become skewed. Politics is no longer as easy to blame “career politicians from both parties”, as there now exists wide differences between the two main political parties. While some Pro-CIR forces have come to denigrate Obama and the Democrats, it cannot be said that Republicans have done anything for Immigrants. In fact, many good arguments could be made that Republican rhetoric and legislation would be just as unfriendly and dangerous to CIR as they have been against Women, the LGBT Community, Workers, and the Poor. In other words, given the chance, Republicans WOULD CERTAINLY THROW IMMIGRANTS UNDER THE BUS. Please, spare me any argument that paints Obama, therefore any Democrat, as unfriendly to Immigrants, due to the number of deportations. While I cannot excuse Obama’s administration for the number of deportations, I refuse to conclude, as opposed to the supporters of Presente.Org, that Obama and the Democrats are not interested in passing CIR. And somehow it appears to have escaped all the Obama Haters that he was the one that initiated DACA. In this time leading up to the November Midterm Election, the rhetoric against Democrats has increased. This has been extremely unwise and divisive. It looks like this small, militant group of TeaDreamers has been working in the interests of Republicans who, if elected, would just as soon kill any Dreamer, or make them slaves, than give a Dreamer a second thought. You don’t remember all the rhetoric heard around the country when the South American children attempted to escape Central America? The Republicans immediately wanted them deported, no questions asked. Whether you know it or not, when you so summarily criticize Democrats for being against Immigrants, you are advocating the rise of the Tea/Republican Party whose only interests lie in protecting old White people who think all Brown People need to have their papers checked for citizenship so they can be kicked out of the country in order to protect American Jobs for Americans (read: White People). It is clear, very clear, that Presente.Org, and all the TeaDreamer members who so freely dis Obama, are, by proxy, helping the Teapublicans gain power. In taking just such this position, it is also very clear that the community interested in CIR, of which most are Latino/Hispanic/Chicano, are now split, divided . . . and this is just what Republicans certainly want, a lessening of political power in this particular community. When the community is so divided, political power becomes diluted. It has been extremely unwise to advocate so cheaply against Democrats, especially right before the election. While some reading this would claim “there is no more time”, the actions taken by this group to defiantly “act up” have resulted in more counter negative effects that I doubt will heal soon. Shame on all the TeaDreamers who have acted to split the community and help the true enemy of the People, the Tea Party and the Republicans, possibly gain more power.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 10:24:10 +0000

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