My post was about General Lee. Not about slavery. Not about - TopicsExpress


My post was about General Lee. Not about slavery. Not about anything other than him. But since you want to argue the facts of the war, Ill entertain if only for a few minutes. 1. The war was NOT solely based on the issue of slavery, in fact that wasnt even the main issue. The war of Northern Aggression began because the Southern States were demanding state rights, and were not being heard or getting the rights given to each state. This is because the Congress at that time heavily favored the industrialized northern states to the point of demanding that the South sell is cotton and other raw materials only to the factories in the north, rather than to other countries. The Congress also taxed the finished materials that the northern industries produced heavily, making finished products that the South wanted, unaffordable. If the Northern States and their representatives in Congress had only listened to the problems of the South, and stopped these practices that were almost like the taxation without representation of Great Britain, then the Southern states would not have seceded and the war would not have occurred. It was more about preserving the United States and protecting the rights of the individual, the very tenets upon which this country was founded. I personally think that the people who profess that the Civil War was only fought about slavery have not read their history books. I really am glad that slavery was abolished, but I dont think it should be glorified as being the sole reason the Civil War was fought. There are so many more issues that people were intensely passionate about at the time. Slavery was one of them, but it was not the primary cause of the war. **The primary causes of the war were economics and states rights.** Have you never heard the history books are written by the winners, not the losers? Check out a German history book. See what all is in there about the holocaust or Hitler. Therefore your statement that the war was based on slavery is wrong. 2. Robert E. Lee did not agree with slavery. In fact he described it as a moral and political evil. He spoke more than once on it calling it a national sin, and was afraid that God would punish America for it. He wanted the influence of Christianity instead of controversy. When his wife inherited her fathers slaves, Lee immediately freed them. BEFORE THE WAR EVEN BEGAN. 3. Lee opposed seceding the Union and commented that it would be the undoing of the Nation for it to be and stay that way. 4. Lee was not fighting the particular issue of slavery, but instead was fighting for the principles of American Freedom, self government, independence, and the constitutional rights of states. Which NEWS FLASH is the very foundation of this country. 5. He continuously preached peace and hated acts of war but refused for his rights to be snubbed out. He even said he bore no hatred for the North, and in fact prayed daily for them. 6. Little known fact, but indeed is a fact, is that Lincoln did not oppose slavery. It was nothing but a political pawn. August of 1852 Lincoln proclaimed If I could save the Union with out freeing a single slave, I would do it. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps save the Union. On September 18, 1858 he also said I will say then that I am not, nor have I ever been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the black and white races. Lincoln was not seeking out to be a hero and stand up for morality. He was simply a money hungry political figure. Just as they still are for the most part these days. But yet Lincoln has his own Monument! General Lee stood for God, stood for equality, and stood for the foundational rights of this great country. But yet due to ignorance we Southerners are viewed as racist bigots. You can continue arguing but if you oppose him, you go against your own point once again. So yes, I do, and will always respect and honor Robert E. Lee for the noble man he was. And for the cause he in particular was for along with most of the South. There were those on both sides that had slaves and opposed abolishing slavery. It is a fact that more Northerners had slaves than Southerners because the North had more money, and controlled trade. Most white people were lucky to have sharecroppers to take on some of the burdens of having plantations, let alone be able to buy slaves. Most were just farmers who wanted their issues heard and their rights to be fully given to them. So before you assume you win an argument, or think you know more than me, actually have facts and evidence to provide a valid argument. Otherwise like I said I dont entertain foolishness!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 04:51:36 +0000

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