My posts typically alternate between educating, trolling, and - TopicsExpress


My posts typically alternate between educating, trolling, and announcing events. Well, this ones different from all of that. I was recently linked to an article on post-workout nutrition, and I read it through with amusement because its virtually a carbon-copy of another article written 10 years ago. So, now on to the meat of my rant. PLENTY of great research on the post-exercise anabolic window & related nutrient timing concepts have surfaced over the past decade. Dr.John Berardi wrote an excellent article that indeed was based on the current state of science -- in 2004. Why would someone copy it & switch a few words here & there instead of relaying the current research evidence? Is it because some folks think that certain articles are old enough to be forgotten? Is it laziness? Intellectual dishonesty? I cant speak for the author who heavy-handedly borrowed Johns article, but lets just say that Id rather see people raise their standard of integrity when it comes to these things. Heres Johns article, and right after it, the remix: bodybuilding/fun/berardi4.htm kmaecags/uncategorized/post-workout-nutrition-how-to-get-the-biggest-return-on-investment-in-your-training/#comments
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 18:51:02 +0000

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