My prayers are, of course, with all the people where the tornadoes - TopicsExpress


My prayers are, of course, with all the people where the tornadoes have touched down today. Please everyone stay safely inside because there are supposed to be some strong winds coming our way as well. Naturally, I automatically think of Devin and Josh V on the other side of NYS whenever I see these storms roll in. Stay safe guys!!! My thought for Art is to remind all of you of his fundraiser/welcome home celebration, which will take place at the quaker inn on Dec 1 from 1 to 6 pm. Anyone wishing to donate time, money or items for raffles, please let me, Joan or Patty know and we will steer you in the right direction. Also want to remind anyone that wants to donate to the pancreatic cancer fundraiser which will take place Nov 21, you can still donate to that. I can send you to Norman Moyer and he can tell you where to send the donations. This is in memory of his finances mom who passed away in February from cancer. Ang is having a tough time with the holidays coming and this is one positive way to honor the memory of her mom so lets help if we can!!! I wish I did not have to say this, but the Aveyard family has suffered another loss. Their 59 year old cousin Tony has passed away. God, I know that this is all planned out, and there is a reason for all of this, but please tell me that you are almost done. I honestly dont know how much more a family is expected to keep taking. They already lost Karens dad, Mikes mom and now their cousin. The one thing that has gotten them all through this is their strong faith they have in you. I am so sorry for the losses they have had recently, but I have always had this weird belief that things happen in threes and now I have this strange sense of relief that I know that Brandon is going to be ok, and I feel we are going to see some real good improvements in him in the near future. So please lets move Brandon....ever forward....and give them something happy to celebrate for the holidays!!! Mom, I am asking for your help in this one. I know that if Brandon and Ricky had been involved in the same things and were friends, you would have taken him in like your own like you did with all the kids. So, please continue to watch over him...I know you would have loved this boy (now a young man) if you had met him all those years ago!! Now, i sometimes think I ramble on and people get sick of hearing from me. I found out today that one of my secret people that need the most prayers right now look at my prayers every single night before she goes to bed and it makes her day. So hearing that from her, I am not going to shut up and I am not going to go away or stop praying for all of you every single night. You all mean the world to me, and if this one little thing helps you through your struggles, then it is the least that I can do for any of you, especially you everyone stay safe and have a good night. Love you all
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 02:09:23 +0000

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