My primary purpose of being in the Facebook is to dialogue or - TopicsExpress


My primary purpose of being in the Facebook is to dialogue or discuss the things concerning the Holy Bible with my fellow human beings thereby sharing with them what I know and learning from them what I do not know. But I must be very sure that what I share with my fellow human beings and what I learn from them are strictly written in the Holy Bible. Which is why I always restrict myself to the Holy Bible whenever I dialogue or discuss the things concerning it with my friends on the Facebook. And I humbly ask my friends on the Facebook to do the same. Please let us ensure that we always say what the Holy Bible says to avoid bearing false witness against the Holy Spirit of YAH. We know that most of the contents of the Holy Bible were originally spoken and written in the Hebrew language before they were transliterated and translated into other languages. So we must be very sure that these contents of the Holy Bibe, especially the Name of the true God, which He has been sharing with His only begotten Son, who is the Mashiyach (Messiah), were accurately transliterated or translated from the Hebrew language into the English whereby we are communicating. Let me give us an example of what I am saying. WE MUST STOP CLAIMING THAT THE SCRIBES DECIDED TO HIDE THE PERSONAL NAME OF THE TRUE GOD, WHICH HE SHARES WITH HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, WHO IS THE MASHIYACH (MESSIAH), BY PLACING THE VOWEL POINTS OF THE COMMON NOUN ADONAI AROUND YHVH OR YHWH, THE TETRAGRAMMATON [FOUR LETTERS] OF THIS PERSONAL NAME THEREBY MISLEADING TRANSLATORS INTO THE PRODUCTION OF YEHOVAH OR YEHOWAH INSTEAD OF YAHWEH. Some scribes could do such a thing in their books but there is no evidence in the Holy Scriptures that they it in the Holy Scriptures. They could tamper with the Torah (Law) of YAH through the explanations and commentaries which they wrote such books as Talmud and Midrash but no person has produced any proof that they tampered with the Torah (Law) of YAH in the Holy Scriptures. It is very clear that if the scribes tampered with such important content of the Holy Scriptures as the personal Name of the true God in the Holy Scriptures, the Mashiyach (Messiah) and His first twelve apostles would have told us to beware those Holy Scriptures. Instead of doing such a thing, they showcased those Holy Scriptures to us. How could the scribes tamper with the Sacred Name of the true God that has the four letters YHVH or YHWH but could not tamper with His Sacred Name YAH whereas both of them are of the same language, family, meaning and value? Where did they get YAHWEH because it is nowhere to be found in the Holy Scriptures? The Divine Name YAH is what people use to speculate that the Tetragrammaton [Four Letters] of the Divine Name which are YHVH or YHWH should be pronounced YAHWEH. They disregard and transgress the inherent grammar of the Hebrew language just as one Nigerian commedian imagined that if we say GIVE HER HER BOOK we should also say GIVE HIM HIM BOOK and GIVE THEM THEM BOOK and GIVE ME ME BOOK.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 06:40:56 +0000

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