My reading for today comes from John Hollands The Psychic - TopicsExpress


My reading for today comes from John Hollands The Psychic Tarot,Oracle Cards. ~~~~Intuition~~~~ Intuition is the language of the soul. When this card shows up in a reading, its time for you to use your intuition. Just give it a chance and youll quickly notice how it might be trying to get your attention. With so much information in this world vying for your every thought, its easy to ignore or fail to acknowledge your insights, Synchronicities and so-called coincidences are powerful signs that intuition is knocking on your door. Have you heard a phrase or saying repeated by more than one person today? Do the same numbers keep showing up in your life? Has someone mentioned the name of a specific individual whom you were just thinking of? These are all signals for you to pause, be open, and pay attention. This is a perfect time to seek the answers from within. Turn inward, where youll find the solutions and valuable insights that are waiting to assist you. When you learn to use and trust your intuition, youll begin to have a sense of not only the right timing, but youll also begin to perceive people and situations with a deeper and more discerning eye. Youll not only observe beneath and beyond whats actually in front of you-- youll see the real deal. Traditional Tarot Archetype: The High Priestess ~ J.H. Intuition is a gift we all have but may not know how to use. When you slow down and give your intuition a chance to guard, warn, or answer you , you may receive insights that can help you in any situation. When you repeatedly hear a message whether through your intuition or actually over hearing someone else. that is a message for you, Listen! This is an ability that can be fine tuned if you practice using it, after a while it just becomes natural to check in with your Higher self or intuition. Try it, when you come to a stop sign, ask your intuition which way you should go, when you have a decision to make, ask your intuition to guide you. Start paying attention to the signals your body gives you, such as, when you meet some one new, pay attention to how you feel inside, does your stomach knot up (not good), or does your body send you a message this person is ok for me. The same with places you go, do you feel good inside when you enter this space or do you feel nervous or antsy. These are your bodys signs, listen! Our intuition is our sixth sense and my most important. I listen to my sixth sense first and it keeps me from making decisions that could negatively affect me later. Start checking in with your intuition or inner knowledge and watch how second nature it becomes. Have a blessed evening, Margaret Hargett
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 21:41:27 +0000

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