My referendum vote on Sept 18th I was brought up with the - TopicsExpress


My referendum vote on Sept 18th I was brought up with the belief that politics is something that is not discussed in public. However the rules are out the window it would appear. If you are decided 100% on voting Yes then there is no point in reading this. If you are undecided, swithering or a No voter then here are my reasons. Firstly, if you intend to vote No, then please vote, do not assume it will all be OK, really please vote.. Why I am voting NO, I am Scottish, I love Scotland, I spend most of my holiday time here and I have seen more of Scotland than most people, and I feel that I have the right to share my view. Scotland is already, in my view as independent as it needs to be. We have an interesting geographical spread of people which brings challenges in many areas including education and health which are already addressed by having devolved power in these areas. In many cases it can be far more complicated to offer NHS treatment to someone living in a remote part of the west Highlands. Similarly in Education, I was behind a bus taking Kids from Tayvallich to Lochgilphead High school this morning and it made me think about some of the extra challenges we have. But we are good at dealing with them already. Defence, I am prepared to pay a premium to live in a very well defended country. Would I want to live in an oil rich, small, fairly undefended country, No thanks. As other countries oil reserves start to get harder to extract, I want to be defended. Economy, There are no certainties from a YES vote, other than as soon as we do, We need to try and negotiate a currency union with a Nation that don’t want it. We won’t win that argument. Economic “levers” keep being talked about, but this is just propaganda because most of the “levers” are in place already so why not use them, in truth the SNP government could have done more, but it wouldn’t have helped the case for independence, the “tartan tax” which allows the Scottish Government the ability to raise or lower local income tax by up to 3% has not been used yet, why not? Business, putting an artificial border in place will make trading across it slightly more expensive. It’s not scaremongering, they are not trying to scare anyone, it’s just pointing out the risks. Social Justice, Well I’m not really sure what that means but from what I gather, it looks like more of my taxes get given to others, who someone else, has decided is more deserving. In my opinion quite alot of that goes on already, I don’t want more. Is this not a post-referendum party political issue anyway? Separation will be massively expensive, There will no doubt be lots of consultants and committees the net result will be enormous cost. As for the legacy this leaves us, well I am really saddened by it all. The country has been very divided, good friends have argued, marriages put at risk and many workplace squabbles. We face years and years of politicians blaming “well, if we had voted Yes/No we wouldn’t be in this situation” I fear that we will get another Scottish SNP Government who instead of trying to run the country, will spend the next term fighting for independence again. Can my vote be NO and NO to any extra powers as well. I don’t normally vote so this is not a party political broadcast, its just how I see it. I didn’t ask for this referendum, but then again if myself and others had got off our arses and voted labour at the the last Scottish parliament election we might not be in this mess. I really cannot see what will be achieved that we couldn’t do already if we voted for a Scottish Government that spent time governing rather than campaigning for their own independence agenda. If you think its all OK and don’t want a massive amount of hassle and arguing....Vote NO
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 19:38:33 +0000

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