My religion is the RIGHT 1 (in 5,000). I have met and discussed - TopicsExpress


My religion is the RIGHT 1 (in 5,000). I have met and discussed with quite a few Christians and Muslims who wholeheartedly believe Pascals Wager, even though theyre not cerebral enough to know who Pascal is or what his cognition proposes. Basically it states; Id rather believe in God and find out there isnt than to believe theres no God and find out there is. This argument is centered on reward or punishment, underlined by probability. Its either reward or punishment after you die, thats a 50/50, 50% chance and as Pascal would say; Id rather take my chances with God. Aside from the hundreds of reasons why this statement is utterly foolish, Ill focus on one. Lets call it the which God problem. My replay states simply; which God are talking about? I assert that it is indeed NOT a 50/50, the probability is far from 50%. There are the major Abrahamic religions; Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Are you speaking of Yahweh, Yeshua or Allah? Some like to deceitfully assert that they are the same God but this is false for obvious reasons. Yahweh is singular, he has no child and sent no child, same goes for Allah but Yahweh didnt send a Muhammad also. These are not minute details, they are the very essence of the religion. A God that impregnated a woman and gave birth to his child who is also himself isnt the same one that didnt. A God who sends the holy spirit and is the holy spirit and his child in one, is not the same with a God that sent Muhammad and told him Jesus wasnt his son but a prophet who was never crucified. Why Im concerned about this is; it is one thing to say you believe in God but what if the one you believe in isnt the right God? Then the right God would not only send you to hell but hell be very angry that you worshipped a different God, so its Hell 2.0 for you. So factoring these three different religions you have a 1 in 3 chance of getting the right God, thats 0.33 or 33% chance in picking the right one. If you add other Abrahamic religions like Babism and Bahai that number is down to 20% or 0.2. But thats not all. You also have Indian religions; Ayyavazhi, Bhakti, Kabir Panth, Ravidassia Religion, Sant Mat, Din-i-Ilahi, Swaminarayan, Shrauta, Lingayatism, Shaivism, Shaktism, Tantrism, Ananda Marga, Smartism, Vaishnavism, Gaudiya Vaishnavism, ISKCON (Hare Krishna), Hindu reform movements, Arya Samaj, Brahmo Samaj, Ramakrishna Mission, Satya Dharma, Satsang of Thakur, Anukulchandra, Matua Mahasangha, Hinduism in Indonesia, Nyaya, Purva mimamsa, Samkhya, Vaisheshika, Vedanta (Uttara Mimamsa), Advaita Vedanta, Integral Yoga, Vishishtadvaita, Dvaita Vedanta, Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja yoga, Karma yoga, Jnana yoga, Kundalini yoga, Hatha yoga, Siddha Yoga, Surat Shabd Yoga, Tantric Yoga, Sahaja Yoga, Jainism Digambara, Bisapanthi, Digambar Terapanth, Kanji Panth, Taran Panth, Shvetambara, Murtipujaka or Deravasi, Sthanakvasi, Svetambar Terapanth, Meivazhi, Meivazhi, Amritdhari original Sikhs, Khalsa, Nihang, Namdhari or Kuka Sikhs, Ravidasi, Sahajdhari Sikh etc. But thats not all. Iranian religions; Zoroastrianism, Zurvanism, Mazdakism, Khurramites (syncretism with Shia Islam), Behafaridians, Alevi, Yarsani, Yazidi etc. But thats not all. There are the Eastern religions; Confucianism, Neo-Confucianism, New Confucianism, Koshintō, Shugendō, Yoshida Shintō, Konkokyo, Oomoto, Seicho-no-Ie, Shinmei Aishinkai, Tenrikyo, Zenrinkyo, Wudoumi Taoism, Tianshi Taoism, Zhengyi Taoism, Taiping Taoism, Shangqing Taoism, Quanzhen Taoism, Longmen Taoism, Wuliu Taoism, Yao Taoism, Faism, Xuanxue, Yiguandao, Dudeism, Zenarchy, Chan Buddhism, Chinese folk religion, Falun Gong, Yiguandao (I Kuan-Tao), Mohism, Xiantiandao, Chondogyo, Daejongism, Daesun Jinrihoe, Gasin faith, Jeung San Do, Juche, Sinism (or Muism), Suwunism, Cao Đài, Đạo Bửu Sơn Kỳ Hương, Đạo Dừa, Đạo Mẫu, Hòa Hảo etc. But thats not all. You also have African religions in the diaspora; Batuque, Candomblé, Dahomey mythology, Haitian mythology, Kumina, Macumba, Mami Wata, Obeah, Oyotunji, Palo, Quimbanda, Santería (Lukumi), Umbanda, Vodou. Then African religions in the none diaspora; Akan mythology, Ashanti mythology (Ghana), Dahomey (Fon) mythology, Efik mythology (Nigeria, Cameroon), Igbo mythology (Nigeria, Cameroon), Isoko mythology (Nigeria), Yoruba mythology (Nigeria, Benin), Bushongo mythology (Congo), Bambuti (Pygmy) mythology (Congo), Lugbara mythology (Congo), Akamba mythology (East Kenya), Dinka mythology (Sudan), Lotuko mythology (Sudan), Masai mythology (Kenya, Tanzania), Khoisan religion, Lozi mythology (Zambia), Tumbuka mythology (Malawi), Zulu mythology (South Africa) etc. But thats not all. American native religions; Abenaki mythology, Anishinaabe, Aztec mythology, Blackfoot mythology, Cherokee mythology, Chickasaw mythology, Choctaw mythology, Creek mythology, Crow mythology, Ghost Dance, Guarani mythology, Haida mythology, Ho-Chunk mythology (aka: Winnebago), Hopi mythology, Inca mythology, Indian Shaker Church, Inuit mythology, Iroquois mythology, Keetoowah Nighthawk Society, Kuksu, Kwakiutl mythology, Lakota mythology, Leni Lenape mythology, Longhouse religion, Mapuche mythology, Maya mythology, Midewiwin, Miwok, Native American Church, Navajo mythology, Nootka mythology, Ohlone mythology, Olmec mythology, Pomo mythology, Pawnee mythology, Salish mythology, Selknam religion, Seneca mythology, Southeastern Ceremonial Complex, Sun Dance, Tsimshian mythology, Urarina, Ute mythology, Wyandot religion, Zuni mythology etc. BUT THAT NOT ALL. Eurasian religions; Benzhuism (indigenous religion of the Bai people), Bimoism (indigenous religion of the Yi people), Bon (indigenous religion of Tibet), Chinese mythology, Japanese mythology, Korean shamanism, Koshintō, Manchu Shamanism, Mun (Lepcha), Siberian Shamanism, Tengrism, Ua Dab (indigenous religion of the Hmong people), Vietnamese folk religion, Asatru, Estonian mythology, Eskimo religion, Finnish mythology and Finnish paganism, Marla faith, Odinism, Romuva, Hungarian folk religion, Sami religion (including the Noaidi), Wotanism, Australian Aboriginal mythology, Austronesian beliefs, Balinese mythology, Javanese beliefs, Melanesian mythology, Micronesian mythology, Modekngei, Nauruan indigenous religion, Philippine mythology, Anito, Gabâ, Kulam, Polynesian mythology, Hawaiian mythology, Māori mythology, Māori religion, Rapa Nui mythology, Moai, Tangata manu, Cargo cults, John Frum, Johnson cult, Prince Philip Movement, Vailala Madness etc. But.... You have the mystics; Hindu mysticism, Tantra, Vaastu Shastra, Moorish Science Temple of America, Moorish Orthodox Church of America, Neoplatonism, Pythagoreanism, Neopythagoreanism, Theosophy, Sufism, Western mystery tradition, Hermeticism, Builders of the Adytum, Fraternitas Saturni, Fraternity of the Inner Light, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, The Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn, Ordo Aurum Solis, Rosicrucian, Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, Rosicrucian Fellowship, Servants of the Light, A∴A∴, Ordo Templi Orientis, Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (the ecclesiastical arm of O.T.O.), Typhonian Order, Archeosophical Society, Behmenism, Christian Kabbalah, Martinism, Ceremonial magic, Enochian magic, Goetic magic, Chaos magic, Illuminates of Thanateros, Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth, Hoodoo (Rootwork), New Orleans Voodoo, Kulam - Filipino witchcraft, Pow-wow, Seiðr - Norse sorcery, Magick (Thelema), Wicca, Witchcraft etc. But thats not all. You also have paganism making a come back; Adonism, Church of All Worlds, Church of Aphrodite, Feraferia, Neo-Druidism, Reformed Druids of North America, Neoshamanism, Neo-völkisch movements, Technopaganism, Unitarian Universalist Ethnic, Baltic Neopaganism, Celtic Neopaganism, Finnish Neopaganism, Germanic Neopaganism, Hellenismos, Kemetism, Roman Neopaganism, Semitic Neopaganism, Slavic Neopaganism, Taaraism etc. But thats so not all. You still have ancient religions, where some dont have a single adherent but that doesnt mean its a false religion; Ancient Egyptian religion, Ancient Semitic religions, Canaanite mythology, Canaanite religion, Mesopotamian mythology, Arabian mythology (pre-Islamic), Babylonian and Assyrian religion, Babylonian mythology, Chaldean mythology, Sumerian mythology, Proto-Indo-Iranian religion, Historical Vedic religion, Iranian mythology, Armenian mythology, Baltic polytheism, Celtic polytheism, Brythonic mythology, Gaelic mythology, Germanic polytheism, Anglo-Saxon religion, Continental Germanic religion, Norse religion, Greek polytheism, Hittite mythology, Persian mythology, Roman polytheism, Slavic polytheism, Eleusinian Mysteries, Mithraism, Orphism, Pythagoreanism, Gallo-Roman religion, Estonian polytheism, Finnish polytheism, Hungarian polytheism etc. You have NEW religions; Creativity, Huna, Native American Church, Raëlism, Scientology, New Thought, Divine Science, Religious Science, Unity Church, Jewish Science, Seicho-no-Ie, Shinshukyo, Church of World Messianity, Happy Science, Konkokyo, Oomoto, PL Kyodan, Seicho-No-Ie, Tenrikyo etc. But thats really not all. You also have alternative religions; Satanism, LaVeyan Satanism, Theistic Satanism, Our Lady of Endor Coven (or Ophite Cultus Satanas), Demonolatry, Luciferianism, Setianism (Temple of Set) etc. But thats not all. You have Post-theistic and naturalistic religions; Discordianism, Ethical Culture, Freethought (e.g. North Texas Church of Freethought), Jesusism, Naturalistic Pantheism (e.g. World Pantheist Movement), Yoism etc. But thats not all. You have parody religions but whos to say theyre wrong?; Church of Euthanasia, Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (Pastafarianism), Church of the SubGenius, Dudeism, Iglesia Maradoniana, Invisible Pink Unicorn, Jediism, Kibology, Landover Baptist Church, Last Thursdayism etc. I adhere to both here, just in case. But thats not all. You also have the religions that are so weird, you cant classify them; Cult of the Supreme Being, Deism, Eckankar, Fourth Way, Goddess movement, The New Message from God, Nuwaubian Nation, Open-source religion, Plurationalism, Spiritism (Spiritualism), Subud, Unitarian Universalism, Universal Life Church etc. But thats not all. Christian religions; Roman Catholic Church, Protestantism, Anabaptists, Anglicanism, Baptists, Calvinism, Congregational churches, Lutheranism, Methodism, Moravians, Nonconformism, Pentecostalism, Pietism, Presbyterianism, Quakerism, Waldensians, Eastern Christianity, Ancient Church of the East, Assyrian Church of the East, Eastern Catholics, Maronites, Chaldean Catholics, Greek Orthodox, Serbian Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Romanian Orthodox, Bulgarian Orthodox, Russian Orthodox Old Believers, Eastern Orthodox Old Calendarists, Armenian Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Ethiopian Orthodox, Syriac Orthodox, St. Thomas Christians, Arianism, Christadelphians, Christian Gnosticism, Christian Identity, Christian Science, Christian Universalism, Ebionites, Jehovahs Witnesses, Jesuism, Latter Day Saint movement, Millerites, Nontrinitarianism, Messianic Judaism, Marcionism, Rastafarianism, Seventh-day Adventist Church, Spiritual Baptists, Swedenborgianism, The Aquarian Church, Unification Church, Unitarianism, Yazidism, Mandaeanism, Sethians, Basilidians, Valentinians, Bardesanite, Ecclesia Gnostica etc. But... Islamic religions; Ashari, Kalam, Maturidi, Murjiah, Mutazili, Ibadi, Azraqi, Haruriyya, Sufri, Mustaali, Bohra, Nizari, Jafari, Twelvers, Akhbari, Shaykhi, Usuli, Alawites, Alevi, Bektashi, Zaidiyyah, Chishti, Mevlevi, Mujaddediyah, Naqshbandi, Jahriyya, Khufiyya, Nimatullahi, Tariqah, Quadiriyyah, Sufi Order International, Sufism Reoriented, Suhrawardiyya, Tijani, Universal Sufism, Dances of Universal Peace, Hanafi, Barelvi, Deobandi, Gedimu, Yihewani, Xidaotang, Hanbali, Maliki, Shafii, Ahl-e Hadith or Salafi, Quraniyoon, Ahle Quran, Tolu-e-Islam, United Submitters International, American Society of Muslims, Five-Percent Nation, Moorish Orthodox Church of America, Moorish Science Temple of America, Nation of Islam, United Nation of Islam, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement, Ahl-e Haqq or Yarsan, Al-Fatiha Foundation, Canadian Muslim Union, Ittifaq al-Muslimin, Jamaat al Muslimeen, Jadid, Liberal Muslims, Muslim Canadian Congress, Mahdavia, Gohar Shahi, Messiah Foundation International, International Spiritual Movement, Anjuman Serfaroshan-e-Islam, Progressive British Muslims, Progressive Muslim Union, Wahabi, Zikri. Lets not forget the terrorist sects. BUT THAT IS NOT ALL. Jewiah religions; Haredi Judaism, Hasidic Judaism, Modern Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism, Masorti, Conservadox Judaism, Union for Traditional Judaism, Reform Judaism, Progressive Judaism, Liberal Judaism, Karaite Judaism, Samaritanism, Alternative Judaism, Jewish Renewal, Reconstructionist Judaism, Essenes, Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots, Sicarii, Ebionites, Elkasites, Nazarenes, Sabbateans, Frankists, Mandaean, Nasaraean, Sabeans, Sabians of Harran, Shabakism, Shabak people etc. Is that all? It is estimated that there are about 5,000 religions today, still operational. So that youre original, sweet 0.2/20% number goes down even more. To conclude, the chance that you are worshipping the correct God is exactly; 0.02 in 100. So whats the Atheist position? Its 50/50. There is either a God or there isnt. If you add this in youd have to slash the religious position by half and youre left with 0.01 in 100. To put it in the right perspective, the chance that you are worshipping the wrong God and thus in the wrong religion is 99.99 in 100. So basically you have a 99.99% chance of going to HELL and I have a 50% chance of being right. Numbers dont lie. Umar Aliyu PeaceBringer Gabriel Obinna Sophistic Adeyinka Akapo
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 11:17:17 +0000

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