My reply to David Camerons plea for help with the Yes/ No vote in - TopicsExpress


My reply to David Camerons plea for help with the Yes/ No vote in my email inbox. What a tosser. David I struggle where to begin and will no doubt think oh I should have put that, but whats the point, you wont read it anyway lets face it. Ill start with you. So youre emailing round wanting a favour and asking people to listen to you when over the past 4 years you have ignored every wish of the British people as well as your manifesto pledges and spoke of anyone who disagrees with you calling them terrorists or treating us like idiots. I personally dont blame Scotland for leaving, the prospect of being rid of the risk of any future Tory governments must be so liberating and I honestly envy them to the extent that Id be open to the Scottish border being moved to Liverpool. I will now move onto the points you made in your email. When the world wanted representation, we gave them democracy. When they wanted progress, we had the Scottish enlightenment and the industrial revolution Time and time again you have proven you represent corporations and have attacked employment rights at every opportunity. You have ignored every suggestion that has been based on decency rather than pound signs and so can in no way claim to represent us and this also ridicules your claim of democracy in Britain, up and down the country people have asked for an end to bedroom tax and your answer is to bicker over what the majority of the country call it. It is also a point of reference to how little you have done for the people of Britain currently including Scotland that rather than highlight anything your government have done for the people of Scotland you highlight the Scottish enlightenment which took place in the 18th century and the industrial revolution which was a manufacturing processes in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840 both of which happened without any intervention from you as you werent even born then. When slavery bound innocent people, we abolished it; when fascism threatened freedom, we defeated it. Your government reintroduced slavery in the form of workfare and despite losing in court a number of times your government show how out of touch you are by appealing. If companies need the work doing let them pay! Why are they getting forced free labour? Also your claim to have defeated fascism is a battle that was before your time and one you have brought back. Your government have to be the single most racist and discriminaTory government I have witnessed in my 30 years on this planet. As individuals and as nations, we have done extraordinary things. This is the special alchemy of the UK - you mix together Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland and together we smash expectations. On this one in terms of the people I cant disagree but not in terms of how you mean. The grass roots movements of this country do some extraordinary things to help the people whos lives you make impossible to live. There have been some real working class heroes born these past 4 years. The UK is a special and precious country. So let no one in Scotland be in any doubt: we desperately want you to stay; we do not want this family of nations to be ripped apart. You are worried about your reputation as you will go down in history as the man who lost Scotland and lets be real here, we all know youre worried youll have less tax coming in to pay for fancy dinners. Across England, Northern Ireland and Wales, our fear over what we stand to lose is matched only by our passion for what can be achieved if we stay together. You may want to look at a map. London doesnt stretch as far as Northern Ireland or Wales, it certainly doesnt stretch the distance of England. A lot of people throughout Britain are wishing the scots luck and wishing to join them. Youd know this if you werent such a dictator. If we pull together, we can keep on building a better future for our children. We can make sure our destiny matches our history, because there really will be no second chances. If the UK breaks apart, it breaks apart forever Youth unemployment is through the roof and your former education minister, Michael Gove, was a complete idiot. Many a time teachers invited him to public debate to be ignored, dictator. The Free School project has been a complete shambles and put our childrens futures in jeopardy. Also you selling our childrens personal info whilst covering up a pedophile ring is doing your case that you even see our children as fellow human beings no favours. Please stick your plea for help up your fat saggy ass navigating around your head whilst your at it and enjoy the bed you created with your lies, deceit and downright piss taking, smug, warmongering, thieving snob nobbery. Regards An unhappy real person
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 20:43:18 +0000

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