My response to David Howze on the World Wide Church of God - TopicsExpress


My response to David Howze on the World Wide Church of God Archives page: This is just the COG: Jesuit campaign to discredit us because we prove that Herbert W. Armstrong was right, and was GODs Chosen Apostle and End-Time Elijah . They want you to automatically reject what we say, that way you will not hear or read what Mr.. Armstrong REALLY taught, and wont compare it to the teachings of these False Apostles, false prophets, and false teachers as they are all teaching watered down truth (Liberal teachings that took the True Church off track in the 1970s) or outright lies and fables all unacceptable to Jesus Christ (as your own bible and Christs own Apostle Herbert W. Armstrong taught us. You cannot compromise even one tiny truth restored by Christ through Mr. Armstrong and continue to walk with Jesus Christ in the Light of HIS Truth!). This is the Jesuit multifaceted campaign to discredit us, but, it is to keep many of GODs Elect in that dark so they can take your crown! People like David Howe are recruited to do this very thing. And, these people come in packs, one will make statements like Howe did, then, you will see some others (That appear to just be innocent unconnected 3rd parties ,questioning the same thing and independently coming to the same conclusion, but, in reality, they are secretly working together)> GODs Elect had better get better at Discerning Truth and Lies and GODs Spirit and the Devils spirit if you want to make it through and be counted worthy to escape all this. We Must Hold Fast (Rev 3:11) to that Truth Jesus Christ gave us through Herbert W. Armstrong! That is the Churchs Commission today, Many do not even know what Mr. Armstrong Really taught as After Mr. Armstrong died, the Jesuit/CIA/Government took over, and it was the Roman Catholic Church (Secretly of course via Jesuit infiltrators) that took over an through especially Joe Tkach JR, started changing doctrine until, they took many of GODs Elect Weak in the Faith) with them right back to that Great Whore of Revelation 17! The rest, were harder to deceive, they left the WGC and it became necessary to set up COG churches (all secretly linked together through Joe Tkach JR) as a net to catch them. So, the PCG (Flurry and his plagiarized book Malachis Message which was really written by Jules Devree (Another Jesuit dissident- Apostate against GODs Anointed Herbert W. Armstrong) called Letter to Laodicea. Flurrys daughter was Joe Tkachs Secretary, when Jules Devree sent this Letter to Joe Tkach also, So, Flurry knew (through the Underground Rat lines) So, Flurry went to a motel so his wife and children did not catch him copping the letter to Laodicea, came Presto! he came out with his New Revelation which was written by the Jesuits also! And, then, United Church of GOD (UCG) asked Joe Tkach permission to set up their church (asking the men that are trampling Christs Truth to the Ground for permission to continue in that Truth? (but only partially!), they were bought and paid for by Joe Tkach JR and the Jesuits. Then, Global started by them, but, they could not agree as the top leaders kept vying for top position. Rod Meredith was removed because he was caught trying to take over the church for himself, and , when that failed, he promised the council that he would not try to contact the ministers or brethren until the council had a chance to meet with him to discuss it. Then, immediately Meredith sent out thousands of letters to all of the members, warning of the apostasy at HQ. Deceiving the brethren, and searing the hearts of all the brethren against the Global HQ. (all deception as it was he (Rod Meredith that was trying a Coop a hostile takeover of the Global Church! Does that sound Godly to any of you? This diabolical underhanded and dastardly deed did work because so many members followed Meredith out of Global and stole their money, and, so Global folded up. Meredith accomplished this scheme by playing on and twisting the motive of a act Mr. Armstrong did when the Attorney General of California seized the Pasadena campus. Mr. Armstrong was living in Tuscon (health reasons) when the attack on GODs church began, and, Mr. Armstrong sent letters to all the Loyal Brethren Asking them to support him and send their tithes and offerings to Tuscon. They did snd the State of Californias money train ran out (The very reason they seized the Pasadena Campus). This was all right and proper for Herbert W. Armstrong to do, as the Chosen Apostle of GODs Church and the Elijah, As it was Jesus Christ that ordained Mr. Armstrong. Meredith was just one of the council at HQ of Global! He was not the one Anointed to be the leader, as Mr. Armstrong was/is of Christs own Church (WCG). Rod Meredith was angry and was trying to Gain the Chief seat (as Mr. Armstrong told him was his problem all along!). So Meredith continued his lust for power (that got him in so much trouble in WCG under Mr. Armstrong, and, almost got him Dissfellowshipped and marked by Mr. Armstrong!). His True Motives later surfaced again, and it worked this time as Mr. Armstrong was not there to stop it again. So, Meredith took the money and membership wrongly in a Hostile corporate takeover, and started Living Church of God (LCG). It was started on Deception people! Not at all like the way Mr. Armstrong Saved the Church from the grip of Caesar!), but, Meredith underhandedly elevating himself (his underlined problem from the start) up and stealing the money and members to give him the Chief Seat he coveted all along! The Position Neither Christ nor Mr. Armstrong would allow him to sit in because of his un-Godly Lust for Power! After Mr. Armstrong died, The prophesied Great Falling Away happened and GODs Truth was trampled to the ground by the Tkachs (and the COG leaders), That True Gospel that Christ Himself gave us through Mr. Armstrong . The Commission of Matt 24:14 was given to Mr. Armstrong and not to the ministry! These commissions were given to Christ’s Chosen Apostle Mr. Armstrong, not to the Church! TOD) and it was GOD’s Apostle that was commissioned to fulfill all these prophesies! Not the Church! It was Mr. Armstrong that was commissioned to Go to the kings of the earth to Prophecy again to build the Spiritual Temple of GOD, he was the “Voice crying out in the wilderness , it was Mr. Armstrong Christ sent to Prepare the Way of the Lord etc. etc. etc. to Restore all things back to Christs Church! It was Herbert W. Armstrong that was the Elijah”, etc. Etc. All these commissions were given by Jesus Christ to ATED SO WITHOUT DOUBT OR QUESTION! Jesus Christ would never send a man to fulfill a commissions and take him before he fulfilled it! Mr. Armstrong fulfilled all these commissions before he died ! All these ministers had to do, was to follow his orders to continue in that Truth Restored by Jesus Christ, feed GOD’s Flock, and Mr. Armstrong stated that the next phases of the Church was for the preparation of the Bride and to then, warn the Laodicean brethren (luke warm that because of the lack of Love for GOD’s Truth Restored through HIS Chosen Apostle & Elijah Mr. Armstrong, this is why the Great Falling away from that Truth happened after Mr. Armstrong died! “ Read II Thes 2 “VERY CAREFULLY”!) . That “warning of the Loadicean Brethren” is what you are hearing right now! Did the ministry faithfully follow the marching orders of their Leader, Christ’s very own chosen Apostle? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They did not!, they turned and joined with the Jesuit/government that was there to destroy that Truth from Christ, and when they did this, they rejected parts of that True Gospel that WAS/IS the” restored Truth”, and ,when they rejected GOD’s Truth (in all or just parts of it, makes no difference to Christ) And when they rejected Christ’s Anointed Apostle and Elijah (a man Jesus Christ Himself picked), then, they rejected Christ, and, kicked HIM out of being the Head of HIS very own Church, and replaced HIS (Christ’s) leadership with the leadership EMA Pastors that are Jesuit infiltrators, and, with the Prophesied Beast in Europe, that are taking over all churches and nations right now! This is a “Hostile takeover (much like Rod Meredith’s in Global) by Caesar (and with it, the Roman catholic Church (Via Jesuits) and this is Prophesied Beast & the Great false Christianity (led by Babylon the Great, the mother of Harlots (Protestant that left her in protest, but, are not being brought back under her control as we speak) This is the Great Religious whore of Satan the Devil spoken of by Jesus Christ Himself spoke of in Rev 17! This great False Church masquerading itself off as GOD’s True Church, is that Great False Church that is leading and taking over all churches in America and the world. It calls itself “The Roman Catholic Church”! So, don’t let these Jesuit infiltrators or their blind stooges that are unwittingly helping them, fool you! Al we are saying is that Mr. Armstrong was GOD’s Chosen Apostle and Elijah and he was right! That the Truth he Restored was restored by Jesus Christ back to HIS (Christ’s) Church! If Christ Restored it, no man (or woman) has the right or authority to add to or to take away without the Curses Christ, the Apostle Paul and Mr. Armstrong placed on such changes! Mr. Armstrong was on the world scene many years doing Christ’s Own work before any of these men were called or even born (for some of them)! Who do you “Really” think Jesus Christ raised up and anointed? Mr. Armstrong (long before these men, the one whom Christ worked through for 60 years of faithful service) or, these apostate ministers that could not follow the Servant Jesus Christ Himself Raised up and Picked? Christ said we will “Know them by their fruits”. Mr. Armstrong’s fruits are both abundant and long lasting, their fruits are that they switched sides and did not remain faithful to Christ, HIS Truth, or the Loyal and faithful Apostle and Elijah HE (Christ) Placed over them in HIS (Christ’s) Government! They rejected GOD’s Government over them! Could it ever be more clear? Once you compare these men’s “COG”s work, with the WORk of the Living Jesus Christ through HIS Chosen Apostle & Elijah Herbert W. Armstrong, the difference becomes abundantly clear! They are all exposed as Counterfeits! Remember, a counterfeit may look much like the real thing, but, look close and compare them with each other, and, when you find a difference between the real and the look alike, they look alike is a counterfeit! (No matter how close they are, if it is not “Exactly” the same, the look alike is just a clever counterfeit! And must be soundly rejected! I so very much urge all that are GOD’s Elect to “Prove this out completely with prayer and fasting to GOD Almighty for HIS guidance through this murky waters as you salvation and eternal crown is at stake! To the tares (false brethren) and to the thorns (Jesuits), your time is coming and when it is time for GOD to act, your punishment will be swift and sure. Repent and be spared, as if yu don’t, even your Mormon “Special” asbestos long johns will not save you from the lake of fire that is coming. I will pray for you all! We do not Worship Mr. Armstrong that preposterous! We say that Mr. Armstrong was Christs Chosen Apostle and the end-time Elijah that Restored All Things< and that he (Mr. Armstrong was right and was raised up and used by Christ to fulfill all those commissions and that Mr. Armstrong fulfilled all of them faithfully and fully. If you want to understand what Christ thought about Mr. Armstrong, then read Rev 3:7-13 as that is about Mr. Armstrong. Did Christ find fault with him? absolutely not! read Mal 3-4, di Christ find any fault with the end-time Levi (Mr. Armstrong)? no, on the contrary, Christ praised him for his righteousness and faithfulness to Christ and the Work and Even said that Mr. Armstrong was the one whom Christ made HIS (Christs) Covenant with! And, not with the Priests (ministers!). Did Christ find fault with the ministers that did not reamain faithful to Christs Truth and Work, and HIS Chosen Apostle? Read Mal 2 about the priests, read Ezekiel 34, just to name a few, YES CHRIST FOUND FAULT WITH THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had better not rebel and reject the one whom Christ Himself Picked and Chose, that man was Herbert W. Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong said that the restored Truths are THE GOSPEL MESSAGE THAT CHRIST AND THE ORIGINAL APOSTLES TAUGHT! And that True Gospel MAKE UP THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT MARRIAGE COVENANT (CONTRACT) WITH JESUS CHRIST! If you try to do this by rejecting any of the terms and/or conditions (Restored Truth) Christ restored through Mr. Armstrong, then, you are rejecting the Marriage Contract itself and rejecting Jesus Christ! You just disqualify yourself from BEING PART OF THE BRIDE OF CHRIST! That is prophesied to happen but the way! Mat 22:8 Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy. Mat 22:9 Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage. Mat 22:10 So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests. Mat 22:11 And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment: Mat 22:12 And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. Mat 22:13 Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Mat 22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen. Question to all: Were you called and chosen, or called sand rejected (not found worthy by Christ) because you rejected all or parts of that Marriage contract with Jesus Christ) and/or rejected the man Christ sent to teach it to you? GODs Loyal Philadelphian Jewels are Called Chosen Faithful and True! If you, through prayer and fasting to GOD (not to these puny men) see that you are in ANY WAY off track with what Christ taught us through Herbert W. Armstrong (All of it as what he taught was/is exactly and fully in line in full understanding with all scripture), or if you are guilty of rejecting or minimizing or reject the Authority, offices, and/or roles that Christ Himself Ordained Mr. Armstrong into, or Mr. Armstrongs Authority in GODs Government, not esteeming him and giving him the honor and respect that Christ commands, then, it is time to repent and get back on track! Pray for Christ to anoint you with HIS eye Salve and pray for GODLY REPENTANCE! Ask GOD to help you UN-belief! We are about of time and the time is coming very shortly that it is too late to get back on track and be sparred the Great Tribulation. It may already be here! So, there is no time to delay now!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 17:38:27 +0000

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