My response to Judges 2:1-3: If any man actually understood the - TopicsExpress


My response to Judges 2:1-3: If any man actually understood the wisdom of God behind our creation, he’ll quickly see what sheer nonsense this is. Not only nonsensical, but dangerous to obvious effects we’re experiencing today. The author would have been best served by telling his tales from a more practical and realistic prospective. If there must be a reference to God as a contributor, the correlation must be coherent with consistency that justifies the laws of nature to which we are all subjugated. Any farfetched unrealism, violating these laws, is contrast to reality. Any contradiction to reality is an inconsistent element that violates the laws of God or nature in the first place. With this reasoning, God, in all its understanding, knowledge and wisdom can never, and I repeat, never contradict itself. barnesandnoble/w/war-of-morality-augustine-sherman/1116961212?ean=2940148753742&itm=1&usri=war+of+morality or amazon/kindle/dp/B00FA7AAYO/ref=rdr_kindle_ext_eos_detail
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 07:40:37 +0000

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