My response to @Randy Nicholass reply to a Boer farmers post about - TopicsExpress


My response to @Randy Nicholass reply to a Boer farmers post about mass killing going unreported and unpunished in SA. > Randy Nicholas: What we do know is that you dont belong there. It doesnt matter how long you were there. It doesnt matter what you have done with the land. I am sorry about the loss of life. But yall have a choice to go back to europe. Im sure most south africans still have ties to the Netherlands or sweden or can receive asylum My reply:~ Brilliant. Whatever ones views the Boers have been in SA for centuries, You have just made the case for racial cleansing the world over. Or are you just evil? On your terms anyone who has migrated anywhere at any time in history is fair game for rape, mutilation and murder, or at the very least can have their land and possessions stolen and be thrown out of the country, just as for example Idi Amin did to all those of Indian descent decades ago in Uganda. Perhaps you are too young to know about that. Or simply too thick. Utterly gormless, and gormlessness can be extremely dangerous! Watch this clip, and then watch the entire documentary called The Soviet Story, available on YouTube. It is indirectly related in so far as Marxist thinking was and remains at the heart of the ANC and of course of the South African Communist Party - and I speak both as a huge fan of Mandela and Tutu, and as one who was extremely critical of the old apartheid regime. Genocide has been central to Marxian ideology from the very beginning. Marx and Engels promoted it as essential. In case you dont know several dozen million Chinese died in Maos own holocaust, and Chinas human rights record remains terrifyingly bad. Ditto the Soviet Union, Cambodia, North Korea, etc... One wrong does not make a right, unless that is ones moral compass is completely skewed as yours seems to be. Mandela, Tutu and others tried to avoid a tide of genocide in retribution for so many previous wrongs that they feared could, and still might, happen. Indeed it seems to be under way. I too have read recently of the most horrendous attacks imaginable - too dreadful to repeat here - on white farmers. Not just the men, but the women and children too. Suffice it to say it sometimes involves not just murder but gang rape and torture, including of children. The death toll continues to mount and nobody is speaking out, or even aware of it. When murder suspects are caught, as in Zimbabwe, they are often released without charge. Murders are often deemed to be accidents. Is this therefore covert official policy? Sadly, as with most far-sighted leaders, the message of people like Mandela and Tutu is being trashed and thrown away by those who came after, who are themselves corrupt - see my seperate post about President Jacob Zuma having a new presidential complex built largely using taxpayer funds in his homeland to the tune of around £19 million. Nelson Mandela warned about this when he was alive, and instructed people to do to the ANC what they did to the apartheir regime if it went the same way. He said it had become as bad. Thus... Some people will excuse anything, as you so amply demonstrate. Educate yourself! Engels and Marx advocating extermination of primitive nations in Neue Rheinische Zeitung (1849):~
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 20:27:19 +0000

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