My response to : a Journalist from Time Magazine... Hello - TopicsExpress


My response to : a Journalist from Time Magazine... Hello Jessica, After reading the article pasted below I gathered a few questions that might help me better understand your perspective. Please feel free to write me back in regards to any of these questions as I am very eager to hear your opinions. 1: What factual evidence are you in possession of that relinquishes all responsibility of the US government in the involvement of 9/11? Reason I ask: The way you portray the individual in yesterdays press conference as The real Super Bowl loser; however just as easily this could be an individual that saw an opportunity to reach as many Americans as possible. At this point in your article you have me questioning whether or not you are offering your readers journalistic objectivity; or just an opinion based article geared toward the further spread of misinformation in our country... 2: Could you provide me any scientific evidence regarding the collapse of the world trade centers? Reason I ask: Q: What is the maximum temperature for jet fuel? A: The maximum flame temperature increase for burning hydrocarbons (jet fuel) in air is, thus, about 1,000°C—hardly sufficient to melt steel at 1,500°C. Q: So if jet fuel is incapable of melting structural steel... where did the extra 500°C come from? Once you have that question answered, please feel free to answer these... Q: If by chance the jet fuel was capable of melting the structural steel, why did the building collapse from the base and free fall? Why didnt it fall over? Q: Who is Larry Silverstein? and how exactly did he come out on top of all of this? A: (saved you the time) - The insurance policies for World Trade Center buildings 1 WTC, 2 WTC, 4 WTC and 5 WTC had a collective face amount of $3.55 billion. Following the September 11, 2001, attacks, Silverstein sought to collect double the face amount (~$7.1 billion) on the basis that the two separate airplane strikes into two separate buildings constituted two occurrences within the meaning of the policies. Final Answer: he settled for 4.55 billion, earning roughly 1.3 billion from the two policies. Jessica, It seems to me that you are merely speculating on information regarding 9/11. By even suggesting that the notion that no investigation is required on behalf of 9/11 you are contributing to a misinformed public and pissing on the attempts for real justice. At this point I regard your article as nothing more than opinion based journalism, I wouldnt even try calling it a perspective because your writing style suggests that you are incapable of looking at both sides of the coin. Im going to leave you with a quote that I feel fits this occasion the best. I am also going to modify it to hit home with you Jessica. I hope it reminds you that even though your lying through your teeth in your articles that youll eventually be stripped of your freedoms by the same individuals you are protecting by writing such a skewed article... “You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.”- Ayn Rand newsfeed.time/2014/02/03/this-guy-interrupted-a-super-bowl-press-conference-to-share-his-911-conspiracy-theories/
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 18:19:50 +0000

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