My response to a post elsewhere: Interestingly enough the Van - TopicsExpress


My response to a post elsewhere: Interestingly enough the Van Allen Belts become moot if you can pass through them fast enough. I have found it personally difficult to ascribe credibility to most of David Seredas ramblings, but it always seems like those that are viewed as, out there, always seem to stumble upon the good stuff. In this production he is able to glean hard evidence from top officials, that we are well beyond anything most people think. Most people are unaware of recent declassified documents that demonstrate the potential to defeat gravity via magnetic fields. Apparently the two somehow go hand in hand. When two powerful neodymium magnets were screwed together with magnetic fields in opposition and then dropped from the top of a building alongside a non-magnetic control object of the same weight. The neodymiums hit the ground a fraction of a second later than the control object. Everything we have been taught would lead us to believe they would hit the ground at the same time. This data is relatively old and yet is not taught to students and the general public. There is so much out there that they dont care for us to know and quite frankly those keeping the information under lock and key or distorted from the general public are about as sick as they come, because they are maintaining secrecy at the expense of mankind. Free energy is here today. Fossil fuel burning vehicles are completely unnecessary, just as electric vehicles with huge expensive batteries are. Nuclear power and burning coal for energy certainly have other agendas tied into them. As you dig and learn you cant help but reach the conclusion that the things going on in this world are not an agenda of mankind. It seems to me that most men involved in that which sickens and oppresses us may be doing so as meat puppets, no longer in control of their bodies or coerced by situations we cannot understand, because we are not in their shoes. Perhaps its something along the lines by our rules or your race will be exterminated and you might imagine that it would be difficult to bide your time and plot for an opportunity to overthrow the overlords, when the overlords are capable of knowing your thoughts up to ten minutes before you are even aware you formulated them. Yes...There are experiments out there where scientists have demonstrated that based on what areas of the brain are active, they can determine the decisions a person will make well in advance of that person being aware that they have made the decision! Thus this creates a forced loyalty if you will. You would be in a position where you would not even dare to think a disparaging thought against your oppressor, but they obviously have a problem and that problem should be obvious to you by reading this. Too much information getting out too fast and theyre losing control of the top-down pyramid. Consider a cattleman whose wealth is based on the number of cattle in his herd. One day the cattleman notices the herd behaving strangely, seemingly organizing. The bulls actually start complex attacks and seem to be communicating complex information with each other. What is he going to do? Kill them all? That would be like burning his money. Youve heard the old adage, divide and concur. It is likely this is what will be done if the existing cabal remains in control, but there are battles going on that are far beyond our puny existence of which we might benefit, in terms of new, never before experienced freedoms for mankind, but I suspect mankind is barely up to bat here, more like a pitch-hitter. If the existing cabal remains in control, they will eventually throw a switch that will bring all of this free exchange of information to a grinding halt, while throwing us back into the stone ages. All they need to do is suppress the flowing electron aka electricity. Im not talking about merely turning off the power, because people can generate their own. Im talking about the generator just wont work and we wont understand why...I dont have time for all of this dialogue! Im almost out of money and need to get myself back on the chain-gang...See how that works? youtube/watch?v=T5lCAwHL0cc
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 17:48:11 +0000

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