My response to the possible proposal by the committee comprised - TopicsExpress


My response to the possible proposal by the committee comprised solely by the founders of the VA landowners group: ( That supposedly wasnt written by the guy who post this on every possible site known to he is just the messenger for the people he represents but these arent his words, because he supports dog hunting) Their proposal was so far from reasonable it was laughable. How does it even imply there is compromise? It started out like okay wait a minute.. let me keep reading this and then quickly went to wait What are they thinking? Well here is some comedy relief for my constituents whom I didnt write it for.. Lets just skip right over 1-4 If that was all that was proposed you would probably promote a healthy discussion. I am curious who wrote this.... Really a Turkey Dog.. ? That is the funniest thing I think I have ever heard an Anti Hunter say. 5. Simple reasonably priced permit.. Really?? Why? Is there not enough taxation in America? Do you really think you cant exist without big government? and what would this money do.. Or what would it support, no mention of that at all. Must display permit and name on collar.. Wow that was a good idea because most people that run dogs dont put their names or phone numbers on their collar already? This was a real intelligent thinker here. Vehicle must have permit number too.. Of course this is a great idea, because there isnt already a LICENSE PLATE.. Nope never thought of a way to link a vehicle to its owner until you proposed your permit system.. I am guessing this was proposed by an over educated analyst with zero common sense. Penalties and fines for dogs being picked up.. That is a great suggestion.. So any person that picks up a hunters dog without the dog owners permission will get a warning and after doing this 4 times that person must surrender their hunting license and stay home next year so the rest of us can enjoy our hunting season Some urban areas may no longer be conducive to hunting.. This actually could be true ...perhaps the excessive influx of liberal Anti hunters and those from up north could make talking to people unbearable, they may be dead set on changing things, southern hospitality will be a rare quality, and it will be impossible to find sweet tea anymore , real southern barbecue will be non existent. Stores will sell mass quantities of deer corn for bait piles.. Yes this does sound Scary.. The best part.. we think this is a true give and Take really now that really is a sales pitch there.. No wonder the author of this masterpiece is afraid to step forward and take credit for this one.. Why is this secret committee afraid to step forward and acknowledge who was involved in drafting this who elected them to speak for all hunters? I could get into the rest of it too but I think I will just let this percolate for a while..
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 00:40:29 +0000

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