My response to the same supporter of Ms. Faiella: Randi - TopicsExpress


My response to the same supporter of Ms. Faiella: Randi Defilippo Dockery you are inferring that the BOS are and have been acting in good faith all along. Funny how Ms. Faiella mentioned noone had seen the listing of the 9 allegations however Mr. Allan had a prepared statement from which he read from that included the specific article/code that the 9 allegations referred to when he made the motion to pass the resolution. How is it that he had the exact information in front of him that was necessary to make the motion if noone saw or heard anything prior to the meeting? Ms. Faiella was a town employee who was let go as a cost cutting measure by our TM Scott Crabtree, one of the difficult situations he was faced with from our wonderful past administration who robbed us blind (and is friends with a couple of our current BOS). Many people knew she would be out for revenge if she got elected as I was told that by one of her supporters when they were trying to strum up support for her (not knowing that I supported Scotts administration). Knowing she was a disgruntled ex-employee who worked under Scotts administration (briefly) as TM how is it not a Conflict of Interest for her to preside over the vote and participate in it knowing she had a personal interest in it? Same with Steve Castinetti, he has a personal vendetta against Scott because of the ethics allegations made by past board members who then asked Scott to investigate the matter and HE DID, AT THE REQUEST OF HIS BOSSES AS YOU REFER TO THEM. In response to one of your questions, Scott cannot represent himself in a matter on behalf of the Town as an attorney and the TM as that is also a Conflict of Interest. Us common folk have no knowledge of bugging and spyware in any offices so obviously the select members of the BOS choose to inform certain politicians and residents of their allegations with no known proof. This town has been corrupt for too long and as a life long resident who owns my primary residence and two rental properties and has 2 children in SPS I have decided to take matters into my own hands (so to speak), not complain about it but do something about it. I am no politician, never claimed to be one and dont care to ever be one, all I want is what is best for the residents of this town and that, in my opinion, is a new BOS and Scott Crabtree as manager.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 19:14:43 +0000

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