My response to this Electoral Reform Society document addressing - TopicsExpress


My response to this Electoral Reform Society document addressing voter disengagement: A very well presented and thought through document. However, it remains mind boggling that given all of what you have stated in it that the ERS still doesnt recognise the potential for a bonafide None of the Above option on the ballot paper to help bring about your desired outcomes. Given how many people in the UK are not registered to vote or choose not to vote even if they are registered, if we accept, as you surely must, that a significant proportion of them are not simply apathetic but actually cannot bring themselves to endorse a clearly failing, broken and corrupted system, it stands to reason that an official NOTA option with teeth would be a sure fire way to re-engage them. It also stands to reason that giving so many disaffected voters their voice back, and the potential knock on effect for election results that this would bring, would surely shake the political establishment to its core and could trigger the kind of modernisation and further reform that you seek. Seriously - without this initial game changing reform, how on earth is the rest of it going to come about? The parties arent bothered about falling turnout and party membership, the less people they have to please and keep on board the better. They can achieve power anyway in this system and thats all they and their corporate sponsors care about. The glaring omission of NOTA from your campaigning is genuinely sad as it completely undermines all the rest of your good work and renders your other great ideas meaningless. This omission is holding you back and holding back genuine progress. Thats why I keep on at you about it. This needs to change, and soon.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 10:20:32 +0000

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