My return was inevitable prophetic if nothing else. My debt to - TopicsExpress


My return was inevitable prophetic if nothing else. My debt to society paid in full. Prison .... a place where society keeps its garbage and ive spent several years of my life there living in the land of scum. Dealing with the bottom of the barrel. My tolerance for watered down truth and bullshit are at an all time low and my radar for disrespect is on tilt an all time high. Im not of the mind to be released from prison only to be returned again for the exact same thing. Seems stupid. Redundant. i believe my incarceration was a necessary stage in my training to become the man i am supposed to be. It was a time to eliminate my character defects and learn many lessons that i hold dear to my heart. First and foremost is that what other people think of you is none of your business and also good things and bad things dont happen to people. Shit just happens and its up to us to find the good and exploit it. Ive spent alot of time away from my family and friends. I understand that life doesnt stop because im not there. Im not bitter over the ones that chose to abandon me nor do i hold any resentments of the consequences Ive had to endure due to my attack on society. Im just gonna be real about it... if you forgot me then.... forget me now. As i have already forgotten you. the people who want to stay in your life will always find a way. In hard times true friends emerge. I feel that in my heart i am the epitome of what society as a whole rejects and looks down upon. I am very intelligent and i make a career of the life i live. Im carey brooks and thats whats on my mind
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 05:03:04 +0000

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