My review of Armageddon on IMDB I saw this celluloid atrocity - TopicsExpress


My review of Armageddon on IMDB I saw this celluloid atrocity at a Multiplex in Sheffield and I was being met outside the cinema at the allotted finishing time, otherwise I wouldve got up and left. Where to start with arse numbing bore fest. First Billy Bob as the NASA guy? Crackers running the space program! Give us a break his performance is fine for playing a banjo in Deliverance not here. The rest of the plot is a rip off of the Dirty Dozen. The characters are all 2 dimensional stereotypes Flawed hero check. Doting daughter check. Hunky jock type check ( Ben Affleck hang your head in shame). Nerd check. Fat guy check. Big black guy check. Authority figure who learns grudging respect check. Top this all of with stupid science and an awful stomach churning montage with the abysmal Aerosmith! Could it get any worse? Yes it can the end has more cheese than chiller aisle at Sainsburys. Avoid this stinker like the plague or experience the cinematic version of a frontal lobotomy.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 12:06:28 +0000

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