My right woman Kwok Shan, I love you forever as my one and only - TopicsExpress


My right woman Kwok Shan, I love you forever as my one and only right woman designed and designated by God as my wife, my sweetheart, and my right woman from the grace of God as part of Gods plan in the Divine Decrees since eternity past. And you belong to me from top to bottom to your tiptoe, you are mine from the grace of the Most High God of the universe and of all things. God is eternal, God is Righteous, and God is Justice. As far as God is concern, man is sinner against God but certainly God is gracious in provide an eternal plan for every person of human race for the person to have an eternal relationship with Him, and God says man is no damn good, and mankind all have a lot of problems of sins from the sinful trend of self righteousness or anti-establishment unless that the person is a very honorable person with good norm and standard inside the soul which is learnt through teenager, and then after going to society to work, and we as believer of Christ has to aware of what kinds of friends we are associating with, work together may be ok, but to be friend, it may cause us a lot of problems, friend can corrupt good norm and standard of ourselves, for example, the Word of God says that we should not make friend with believer who has reversionsism such as speaking in tongue, for tongue had been stopped in the early Church and speaking in tongue now is either under totally out of emotion with no bible doctrine thought or demon processed. And the filling of God the Holy Spirit is not emotion, it is peace of God which passes all understanding, and it is the enabling power for us to learn bible doctrine with faith, and for us to apply bible doctrine in the soul. Only in the Millennium, in the last one thousand years of human history, the filling of God the Holy Spirit has emotion in it. When we associate friends, they have influence in our life, so for u and I, we better keep it simple by having you and I together is the first thing you and I to do, and we discuss everyday on all sorts of things based on the truth of bible doctrine, and that is the primary concern. We do not concern with public opinion. From bible doctrine, it says clearly that man is no damn good, and based on the experience in the past for over twenty years, there were no relationship between my so called brother and myself, and it is sad to constantly has to face the coercion of having good relationship with that person and it is totally wrong thing to even said that we have any relationship! And I do not want any relationship with this unknown person until I get all the facts for man is no damn good! We as a believer has a new life before God. And there is a struggle in the soul of the believer between the power of God or the cosmic system of the devil. We can choose either one. And the power of God leads us to a happy life on earth followed by fantastic blessings in eternity, but the cosmic system can distract us from the wonderful life provided by God and leads us to a unhappy life until we die with maximum unhappiness to be face to face with God in eternity. The blessings of God is not overt for in the believers life, we has all kinds of circumstance both adversity and prosperity, and the blessings of God is the bible doctrine function under the filling of God the Holy Spirit in faith perception and faith application of bible doctrine, and we have super abundance of happiness as we are inside the power system of God, and the Lord Jesus Christ wept when He faced the death of His friend, and the issue is always what we think, and we do not judge someone by apparent, and for me under great and intensified testing sometimes is really sad, and that is no a matter of weakness, but an orientation with the tragic situation I am facing, and whether we are winner or loser in the life provided by God, we cannot be judged by apparent, but the thought content of the soul. Having maximum bible doctrine means having maximum happiness under all circumstances, and we live our new life one day at a time before God until God finds fit to call us home in Heaven, and dying grace is the best possible time for believer with maximum bible doctrine in the soul followed by maximum happiness in Heaven for all eternity. Many people have false concepts and false standard, and we just function under the Supreme Court of Justice and let God deals with them, and people testing, system testing, thought testing, and disaster testing are part of the hurdles we must overcome for getting the price of God and just like Apostle said in the New Testament canon through the filling of God the Holy Spirit, we are having a clear objective in this life of winning the price of the eternal God for maximum blessings in time in six categories as a mature believer and resulting in maximum eternal blessings in eternity accomplished by thinking of bible doctrine in humility everyday through daily faith perception of bible doctrine and function under the humility to submit to the authority of the teaching of bible doctrine, and under the authority of bible doctrine resident in the soul, again is thought, thought, thought, which is located in the soul and the battleground for the battle in our life is inside the soul, for what we think is what we are. Only bible doctrine is the wealth of Eternal God that God considered as wealth which gives us a life of meaning, purpose and definition. And we get it only through humility, humility, and humility everyday through daily faith perception of bible doctrine.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 14:03:44 +0000

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