My second testimony. In 2007 i left South African Airways, - TopicsExpress


My second testimony. In 2007 i left South African Airways, taking a package as they did not want me to do my job as an aircraft engineer because of the back injury i had. In 2008 i started a new job, again as an aircraft engineer at South African Express Airways, but for R11000 per month less than what i left with at SAA. For years i prayed about this as i knew that God sits on the throne and He says He will look after us more than the animals in the fields. This was very stressfull as my pensioen money i got from SAA started to deplete. For another year or so i lived on my credit cards and life started to push my limits. I am our union rep for the people in cape town and we were busy with a case against our company concerning people with the same qualifications, receiving much different salaries, we were trying to get the salaries of those which was left far behind, to be brought to the upper salaries. This case sounded a bit far fetched as some engineers earned R 14000 per month less than others and i was one of the ones who was left behind. The devil told me that its impossible to get a increase of R14000 a month. I prayed about it cause it was in the time at church where we prayed for increase. I told people about this and everybody was saying its impossible, but i believed it was possible , as the Word says, nothing is impossible with God. This was on 2011. In 2012 we negotiated and the company came to us, saying they dont have money to give a increase to that extend. We went over the increase month which was April 2012, but we stood at our demand. After two months of futher negotiations the company came out of the blue saying they will meet our demand. We were shaken by the sudden change of the companys attitude, it was like someone took them saying they will be shot if they dont meet out demand, then i knew, it was the hand of God, the true almighty God that put his vaviour on my path. I received a R14000 a month increase, i was in heaven, or so i thought. God is so great. Jesus died on the cross so we can be free. Free from debt and free from living without purpose. I praise him forever cause He is our everything. No matter how big and strong the enemy stands before you, God is greater than all. Jesus is the king of all kings.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 07:09:58 +0000

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