My sister who lives in this town where I live was hired by the - TopicsExpress


My sister who lives in this town where I live was hired by the Head Start Pre School program to be the cook for the school. She has to follow a pretty strict menu with no sweets, only fruit for that. She has to include the exact amount of protein, vegetables, fruit, water and milk every day and do a report on it. She told me on Monday mornings at breakfast the kids eat more than they do the other days. Mostly because they have very little food at home. We know all these kids because its a small town. One little boy comes up to Betty every day and tells her , thank you for the nice supper. Yesterday he came up to her after breakfast and thanked her then asked her what she was going to cook next. Today he did the same thing. After lunch he asked her what she was going to fix next time? She told him she would make something food for him when they came back on Monday. I laughed and said maybe he was going to grow up to be a chef. She said no, that she had talked to the Director about this. She told Betty that these kids who really had so little were very concerned if they would ever eat again. And this little boy was one of the poorest. He was very insecure about whether his mother could find something at home for him to eat when school wasnt going on. This is the program the GOP said was wasteful. No, the kids dont eat everything put in front of them cause they are just like the rest of us. They never eat the spinach. But, they have to learn to serve themselves, use real plates and silverware and a glass. No paper or plastic stuff. They get two hot meals a day. The kids are learning healthy choices because they dont serve them junk. Betty feels privileged to be able to do something for these kids. No, their parents arent lazy. Most of them have low paying jobs or single mothers who cant work because the cost of daycare is more than she makes. Dont begrudge these kids a free meal according to the guidelines that Michelle Obama has made so important. We can afford to take care of the least among us, cant we?
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 03:37:16 +0000

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