My soil in a box experiment is yeilding amazing healing results - TopicsExpress


My soil in a box experiment is yeilding amazing healing results and activating a lot of knowings. Further forging my energetic earth relationship. I have been meditating on it sleeping on it. Making me smile laugh and lately my whole body is tingly wherever I go. I feel that connecting and really getting to know the elements one by one is beautiful alignment. As we have all these aspects in our body but we never think they are present habitually because of cultural distraction. Its like recognizing an old friend. Rather than this element separate from us. Whenever we face the denseness of human unloading in our mental field elements are great healers and they work together with everything. Thats why when air water and fire come together on the ether of earth! Spectrumtacular rainbows appear! Then you are that shimmery being. JOYFUL DISCOVERY. If we only concentrate on one we dont get the full unlock of our potential golden presence! You can see all of this in people thats why smokers are playing in the ether fire spectrum taking air in an unbalanced equation not enough balance with earth and water. There scarcity and release of their problems or fix travels the ether. Of course their are those talented enough to transcend the effects but why not have a clear pristine well working vessel. I could go on to how everything else is connected. But for now I will whistle the captain planet theme song.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 13:12:16 +0000

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