My son Kenneth had a choice to write about anything & he chose to - TopicsExpress


My son Kenneth had a choice to write about anything & he chose to write about, Jesus. At first the teacher wouldnt let him, but reluctantly she allowed it after some thought. He wrote this for his school report. And I must say, Im very proud of him. Kenneth JESUSS LIFE In life there is a savior and our savior is Jesus Christ. Have you ever wondered where was Jesus was born? Well he was born in Bethlehem. Did you know where Jesus died? Jesus died in Jerusalem on the Cross. Did you ever wanted to know who was in charge when Jesus lived on earth? King Herod the Great and the emperor of the Rome is Caesar August. Do you think scientist believe Jesus? Well yes they do for example (Physics): Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Kelvin- (Chemistry): Boyle, Dalton, Ramsay- Biology: Ray, Linnacus, Pasteur- Geology: Steno Woodward, Brewster, Agassiz- (Astronomy): Kepler, Galieo, Herschel, and Maunder. Did u know that there are other historians that wrote about Jesus and it wasnt just in the Holy Bible? Josephus was an ancient historian who wrote about Jesus. DEATH OF JESUS CHRIST Did you know why Jesus died? He died for our sins. Have you ever wondered how old is Jesus now? Well Jesus isnt and age he lives eternal. Did you ever think about what age Jesus died? At the age of 33. Do you want to know when was Jesus born? Jesus was born around December,25,1B.C. Have you ever wanted to know what year did Jesus die? He died the year 33A.D. Before he died he told his Apostles to take bread for His body and wine for His blood. When the Romans stabbed Jesus when he was on the Cross blood and water came out because blood for wine for communion and water for baptism to wash away original sin because of Adam and Eve the 1st woman and man who was created by God. Everyone today has DNA that science can trace back to 1 man and 1 woman. They passed down original sin to all us. THE HOLY SPIRIT What is the Holy Spirit? For the large majority of Christians the Holy Spirit is the third divine person of the Trinity: the Triune God manifested as Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Have you ever wondered if the devil was once an angel? Well yes, but he wanted to be as powerful as God so he made some of the angels go on his side against God & then the Archangel Michael sent him to hell. Do you know what is Trinity? The Christian Godhead as one God is 3 persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Have you ever thought to yourself who defeated the devil? The Archangel Michael. Do you think Jesus was ever an angel? Well Jesus was an a pure Spirit before he was born on earth he was the Word of God in heaven. When he was born he was the Word made flesh born of the Virgin Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit. RESURRECTION What is Resurrection? Christ rising from dead. What is Easter about? Well for the Christians it is unthinkable that we would allow silliness of Easter eggs and the Easter bunny to be the focus of the day instead of Jesus Resurrection. By all means, we should celebrate Christs Resurrection on the day of Easter Sunday. Resurrection is life after death. Death is the result of original sin. Christians believe for God so loved the world the He gave His only Son, so that every one who believes in Him might not die but might have eternal life. GOD THE FATHER God the father is the 1st person in the Triune God. The Jewish,Christians, and Muslim faith believe God created the universe. The universe has 5 different things time,force,action,space, and matter. All 5 of these things can be found in the very first sentence of the Holy Bible. In the beginning (time) when God (force) created (actions) the Heavens (space) and the earth (matter). Atheist dont believe in God but God still loves them. The fact that there is a creation, there is a Creator. God is the force that created everything. God the Creator can be known with certainty by his creations the universe and us. CONCLUSION In conclusion God the father is the 1st person in the Triune God Jesus is 2nd and Holy Spirits 3rd. All 3 are different but are One. It is a mystery just like water,ice, and steam are all 3 different but are one.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 16:03:09 +0000

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