My son kyllian is 5 years Old and I had knew he had a high chance - TopicsExpress


My son kyllian is 5 years Old and I had knew he had a high chance of being adhd because I had it and his biological father has it and my siblings all have something like add, adhd, bipolar exc. but of course theres no way to tell till they start getting older, I started to think awesome I maybe he is not adhd, I defiantly hoped not because growing up myself with it was such a a huge struggle in my everday daily life and activities and I of course escpicially struggled in school with sitting still and being able to focus and pay attention with my mind never stopping and I wouldnt want to wish that on Any one, well when he turned two thats when things started to change at first I just thought oh its terible twos but it just kept getting worse as he got older I heard threes were worse then terrible twos so I still kept up hope but his behavior was only getting more out of control and it seemed like everything I tried to do for him or help or control him but NOTHING would work we saw a few physciatrist to see what they had to say but he was still young to really diagnosis him yet by law, well about a little over a year ago he was finally diagnosed with adhd and anxiety and it was relief in a tiny way just knowing I wasnt doing anything wrong I had been doing everything right and that I possibly could, I had been thinking whether or not I wanted to put him on any medication or not I was very in the fence because I went threw so much trouble with different medications some made me feel completely not like myself and others like a zombie and then finally tried another medication for adhd that made me still feel like myself and happy and active but I could sit down and focus and could settle it down and learn more and I started doing so much better and everything improved escpicially my grades in school, I didnt want my son to even be adhd I cried because I dont want him to have to struggle life is difficult already I didnt want him to struggle in school and in every day activities in his life but of course I can relate to him and as he grows and gets older I think it will help that I know exactly how it is and I will ALWAYS do everything in my power to help him with anything and try to make the struggles of adhd and anxiety easier on him in anyway, I ended up deciding to at least give the medicine a shot but if changed completely or was like a zombie then that would not be ok we would have to try something else, he started pre-k and he was struggling bad getting in to trouble everyday not listening or following directions and couldnt make any friends he was all over the place so then we started him on a extended release pill for adhd and then some medicine 30 minutes before bed to help his anxiety about sleeping and relax his racing mind that kept him up all night, we noticed the difference almost right away and so did his teacher and classmates before we knew it he was getting awards inn school focusing and able to pay attention to me and his dad more at home and play nicer and started doing so good we were shocked at ALL the improvements he made at home and at school was so tremendous!!! He makes friends so easy his behavior is amazing and his listening skills r so much better AL around a HUGE DRASTIC CHANG FOR THE BEST!! ♡BLESSEDMOMMY♡
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 08:34:41 +0000

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