My son, who is very political and loves history, feels that the US - TopicsExpress


My son, who is very political and loves history, feels that the US is becoming a fascist and totalitarian, police state. He will sometimes compare the changes in the US to the regime that Hitler imposed upon Nazi Germany. He often voices this opinion and expresses that he is angry about our loss of rights. He is very much a history buff who expresses his political opinions openly. My son also has lead poisoning syndrome and even though he is 16, he still fights with the symptoms of injury to the limbic system of his brain. This means he will often say things without thinking and do things without thinking. Recently, during a football game, DURING THE PLEDGE, he yelled out Hail Hitler. I know, from the bottom of his heart, he wishes he could take this back. He knows it was not received as he intended. To make matters worse, his grandmother has completely taken this and ran with it. She is persecuting him as a skin head. HE IS NOT. She is chastising her grandson and even taken to posting things on Facebook to try and embarrass him including making soapbox statements that are NOT factual but meant to get a rise out of the people who know nothing about World War II. One example is her statement that pregnant, innocent Jewish women had their legs tied together and their mouths taped shut until they and their unborn child died. This is a complete and utter lie. It was meant to anger women towards my son for his supposed support of Hitler. YES, my son has a disability and sometimes that means he will do and say things that he wishes he had thought better of. It is one of the horrific ways that loss of impulse control can terrorize your life. With that said, his grandmother had an obligation to stand up and say: I apologize for what my grandson did at the football game. Please understand his act was not meant to support Hitler and was actually meant to make a statement about the treatment of our people by this government. It is solely due to his disability that he did not hamper this opinion at this event. We apologize for his act. This will not happen again. Let me be the first to do this: I am sorry, my son has a disability and sometimes he says things that cross his mind before he is able to control it. He loves all people, including Jewish people. He, IN NO WAY, supports Hitler. WE are sorry for anyone who was offended. Let me also be the one who says this to my son: I am sorry for the way your grandmother has handled this. She is crazy, she is mental, and she should be locked up.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 00:33:29 +0000

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