My spirit Guide has showed me through my past life that why I - TopicsExpress


My spirit Guide has showed me through my past life that why I never got blessed, prospered, bloomed, or blossomed. He taught me that We prosper, grow, expand, and get blessed in the natural, ONLY when we have positive and well wisher, good hearted people around us, or we are connected to them through communication. This is powerful revelation, my new spirit guide has given me for my New Year. He wants to teach me about the values of this life. This is so true from all dimensions, whether you see Atheists, and ungodly, they also prosper based on just this one simple principle. Ungodly dont even pray, fast, pay their tithes and offerings, but still, they get prosper. How? Because they live in unity, and harmony with each other. But where there is strife and jealousy, people will never experience abundance. And throughout my life, I was always surrounded by haters, jealous, hostile people, who never wanted me to accomplish or achieve anything good in my life. Their hatred and jealousy chocked my success in everything I pursued. And all these haters were Christians, none of them were Non Christians. Then I studied the New Testament from this perspective that why there is so much strife, gossip, jealousy, and envy among the Christians, and got my answers. The New Testament does not put emphasis on healthy, happy, and prosperous lives. It just puts emphasis on eternal things related to the spirit and kingdom of heaven, and condemns all kinds of wealth and riches. It also puts emphasis on too much love, while it does not teach how to help one another, how to strengthen, and build each other, and how to stay connected. That is why I see in most Christians, every body boasts for his and her own accomplishments and own achievements. There is too much competition and comparison in Christianity. All this is because the New Testament totally condemned material and worldly things. But human reasoning is what is resisted the most, people will go after that the most. The Law of Moses was good teacher, but because it taught not to sin, so people sinned more under the law than when no law was given. They were more drawn towards sin under the Law than when there was no law. In the same way, the New Testament restricts worldly and material things, and this restriction forced Christians to go after material things and try to supersede each other in material possessions. Which has caused jealousy, envy, hatred, competition, comparison, and all kinds of lawlessness among the Christians. But I think, if God had given some laws to get established and prospered in the natural, people could have followed those laws and Christians could be more prosperous and generous people in the world. But now, they are the opposite of all that...
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 20:13:56 +0000

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