My spiritual brother Logan is coming from Santa Cruz to share his - TopicsExpress


My spiritual brother Logan is coming from Santa Cruz to share his healing gifts with Boulder at his playshop: Quantum Healing and Inner Alchemy Playshop! ~ powerful group healing and soul activation ~ * Learn powerful universal healing techniques, open and or advance the evolutionary impulse within you, learn PSD (psychic self defense), practical esoteric anatomy (chakra, bindu, nadi, bodies and koshas), learn simple and powerful tools to empower yourself, entire life and relationships, declare and fully embodiment of your highest and best good, explore what it is to Be prana, kundalini and and crystallized consciousness an expression of the macrocosm, develop your capacity to eat karma for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks! and do it all with style, grace and a divine smile on your face! and much more! Experience the universal principles for activating the innate state of utter freedom, universal intelligence and evolutionary impulse beyond sect, creed or dogma. *This will be a powerful healing experience direct and to he point, dissolve your spiritual ego and go all the way! Deep healing and karmic clearing, clear your antahkarana (bridge of light) to your higher bodies and Self, experience rapid and integrated, fresh and fun healing and in-lightenment in the NOW beyond all concepts, belief, geocentric notions of spirituality and beyond the ego identity! Face your fears! Dissolve your stress. Live in inner peace and outer success. Embody transcendental wisdom and bliss. Uplift collective consciousness and humanity. Fulfill your highest and best good! Sunday August 4th in Boulder, CO Facilitated by Spiritual Healer, Logan Griffin know-oneness "Transform fear based beliefs, burn your karma, liberate the ego-identity and fulfill your highest and best good... and do it all with style, grace and a smile on your face!" A four-hour powerful group healing experience and divine playshop using quantum awareness and inner alchemy to clear your entire energy system. Come liberate contracted energy, stress and unconsciousness. Transmute stuck subconscious fears, emotions and limiting beliefs into vibrant clarity, divine energy and awareness. Live forth your divine birth right of innate and utter freedom and celebrate the awe-inspiring miracle of life with a group of beautiful souls and extraordinary people! When: Sunday August 4th (Arrive at 12:45pm, Playshop is from 1-5pm) Where: The Solstice Center in Boulder, CO (To reserve your place please RSVP to logan@know-oneness and or send me a FB message and click as "attending" this FB invite page. Thank you.) Cost: Healing and Playshop Investment ~ $40-$80 sliding scale (offer what ever you can afford at this time within that range) What to bring: cushion, snacks and water bottle (if you have any questions PM me on FB or send an email to logan@know-oneness) Further benefits from attending... In This Workshop You Can: -Facilitate the full ascent, descent and lateral expression of the living spiritual power within you (Kundalini Shakti). -Embody yourself as the divine energy and consciousness you truly be beyond all phenomena. -Receive deep energetic clearing, healing and empowerment. -Free yourself of limiting beliefs and familial, societal and mass consciousness karmic conditioning. -Learn practical and empowered universal healing tools and techniques to apply in your daily life. -Rapidly dissolve conscious and subconscious stress, fear, worry, anxiety, guilt, shame, anger and all other limiting energies. -Transmute subconscious self-doubt and self-sabotaging tendencies and ego self-defense mechanisms. -And do it all with style, grace and a smile on your face! Healing is natural and fun! "Transcend the illusion of fear, fully embody your True Self and be divinely sovereign living in inner peace, love, wisdom and joy!" Further Workshop Info: Dive deep into what is and celebrate the divine gift of this life. Experience a potent group field of transformative spiritual energy and learn practical and ecstatic techniques for rapid, safe and integrated spiritual awakening and enlightened living in the Now. This workshop is a great opportunity for deep energetic clearing and activation by inner cultivation of Divine Energy and Consciousness designed to have a life-transforming impact on participants. This work is based in the direct experience of Universal Truth, Love and Wisdom which is the essence of all spiritual traditions and practices, beyond sect, creed, and dogma, open to all paths, limited by none. The energy healing received and techniques learned in these workshops facilitate realignment with your Highest and Best Good on all levels and conscious embodiment of the Divinity that you truly Be. Shifts in consciousness guaranteed. Logan Info: Intuitive Healer, Energy Worker, Yogi, Meditation Teacher, Life Coach, Spiritual Guide and Holistic Health Professional, Logan Griffin has dedicated his entire life and being as an instrument of the Universal Energy, Consciousness and Healing Power of the omnipresent Divinity to serve the Highest and Best Good of all beings. He lives to assist the conscious evolution and spiritual awakening of humanity through the personal healing, self-empowerment and enlightenment of the individual. Logan is based in Santa Barbara, CA. He offers classes, workshops, online intensive enlightenment courses, retreats, free online healing resources and private healing sessions in person and via phone and skype long distance. May all of your dreams come true! Boundless love and healing light, Logan Logan Griffin Spiritual Healer Meditation Teacher Holistic Health Professional logan@know-oneness know-oneness https://facebook/events/568923869820015/
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 16:27:47 +0000

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