My spiritual resolution this week is to be like the daffodil - TopicsExpress


My spiritual resolution this week is to be like the daffodil flowers I have seen these past few weeks....(strong and faithful)...they are so beautiful when they bloom right before dad would always bring my mother daffodils from the side of our country road when I was a little girl...let me share with you what I have recognized from daffodils after this year of a hard, cold winter...last fall my dad landscaped our yard which included placing large rocks around a fountain to keep grass from growing up....a few weeks ago, I noticed, despite the rocks, there were daffodil flower bulbs pressing through the rocks, inch by inch.... and even though the temperatures dropped to 8 degrees, the bulbs kept pressing through- eventually the bulbs sprouted and the lovely daffodils bloomed!....yet, then came freezing temperatures again along with damp days and nights....but what I noticed is that the daffodils never gave up...even on the coldest days, they would turn their head to the sun and try to get as much warmth as they, as the weather has finally broken through to spring I have seen hundreds of daffodils with their faces straining towards the sun. That is what I want to be for Christ....A daffodil straining to know Him more and more through His SONs light and this week- I turn my eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace. So my prayers for each of us to look full into the love Jesus has for us...forgive ourselves, forgive others. and be like a daffodil with our face turned and looking directly to the grace. love, mercy and favor of our creator and our savior,Jesus Christ!- Blessings and love in Christ always-cbk
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 04:01:32 +0000

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